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by SCHOLARGraeme
Forum: Users
Topic: Colour changes when converting from EPS to PNG
Replies: 4
Views: 4057

Re: Colour changes when converting from EPS to PNG

Thank you fmw42 and snibgo and for the information about those spot colours.

The following command gets the conversion I am looking for:

Code: Select all

convert [-density XX] -colorspace sRGB Colours.eps PNG32:Colours1.png
Thank again.
by SCHOLARGraeme
Forum: Users
Topic: Colour changes when converting from EPS to PNG
Replies: 4
Views: 4057

Colour changes when converting from EPS to PNG

Hi, I am using the following command to convert an EPS image to a 24-bit PNG: convert Colours.eps PNG24:Colours.png As you can see from the image below it doesn't replicate the colours exactly, with the original EPS appearing on the left and the ImageMagick conversion on the right: http://s27 ...