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by edo
Forum: Users
Topic: Can't convert orf into jpg
Replies: 6
Views: 10927

Re: Can't convert orf into jpg

Hello snibgo

Many thanks for this advice. I'll try to install and test this soon. I'll reply my results.

best regards
by edo
Forum: Users
Topic: Can't convert orf into jpg
Replies: 6
Views: 10927

Can't convert orf into jpg

Hello everybody I'd like to convert a list of .orf-files into a list of .jpg-files. I tried it this way for a single file: Edos-MacBook:Schreibtisch Edo$ identify -list format | grep -i orf ORF DNG r-- Olympus Digital Camera Raw Image File Edos-MacBook:Schreibtisch Edo$ convert P4306546.ORF -resize ...