Search found 8 matches

by Florian26
Forum: Users
Topic: [resolved] Create a transparent png file
Replies: 8
Views: 11753

Re: Create a transparent png file

Black again in the windows explorer, but in photoshop, it's transparent !

Thanks a lot ! :)
by Florian26
Forum: Users
Topic: [resolved] Create a transparent png file
Replies: 8
Views: 11753

Re: Create a transparent png file

Thanks to your answer :) @glennrp : I have "ImageMagick-6.8.9-4-Q8-x64-dll.exe" ( ... and a black image :/ My server will work with OS 64 bits so i prefer to use 64 bits ImageMagick @bonzo : I have a black image, and when i open it with ...
by Florian26
Forum: Users
Topic: [resolved] Create a transparent png file
Replies: 8
Views: 11753

[resolved] Create a transparent png file

Hello, Someone can say me how i can create a transparent png file ? I have try with : exec('convert -size 100x100 xc:none fond.png'); exec('convert -size 100x100 -xc:none fond.png'); exec('convert -size 100x100 xc:transparent fond.png'); exec('convert -size 100x100 -xc:transparent fond.png'); exec ...
by Florian26
Forum: IMagick
Topic: Different command line
Replies: 0
Views: 10211

Different command line

Hello, Sorry to my english, i'm french... and i understand not very good the docs to ImageMagick :/ I would like to know : - how i can resize image proportionally (not up width or/and height). Example : if have image 500x200, i want resize to 1000x400, but image is less, so i don't resize it. I get ...
by Florian26
Forum: IMagick
Topic: Setup IM on WAMP
Replies: 6
Views: 15286

Re: Setup IM on WAMP

Sorry to the late, lot of work.

Little return, XAMPP and ImageMagick with shell command is perfect !
Thanks :)
by Florian26
Forum: IMagick
Topic: Setup IM on WAMP
Replies: 6
Views: 15286

Re: Setup IM on WAMP

So ImageMagick ;). If it's better... i don't know this library. To class, i will create it, i have seen code on many website using exec, it's easy i think :). I will try to install it later (lot of things to do). But : I must install ...
by Florian26
Forum: IMagick
Topic: Setup IM on WAMP
Replies: 6
Views: 15286

Re: Setup IM on WAMP

Thanks to the fast answer! So I suppose Imagick. I don't want GD but other librairy... it's with PHP yes, to upload image and create new (to securise the upload) and create thumbnail, resize (include animate gif). It's better ImageMagick or Imagick ? I have a server, so i can configure it, it's not ...
by Florian26
Forum: IMagick
Topic: Setup IM on WAMP
Replies: 6
Views: 15286

Setup IM on WAMP

Hello, Sorry to my english, i'm french :/ I would like to install Image Magick with WAMP (last version) and Windows 7 to create my website before to setup it on 64 bits server. I have'nt found rules to install it on the website... 0 are good :/ Someone can say me how i can setup this on Windows 7 64 ...