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by MADubs
Forum: Users
Topic: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word
Replies: 37
Views: 39634

Re: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word

Code: Select all

mogrify -format tif -depth 8 -density 1200 -compress lzw -define tiff:alpha=associated -flatten *.ai
Doesn't change anything for me, unfortunately.
by MADubs
Forum: Users
Topic: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word
Replies: 37
Views: 39634

Re: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word

snibgo, could you upload that tiff somewhere (the one that worked), so I can test it in Word?
by MADubs
Forum: Users
Topic: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word
Replies: 37
Views: 39634

Re: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word

Ah, interesting! I did try -alpha associate and got an error:

mogrify: UnrecognizedAlphaChannelType `associate' @ error/mogrify.c/MogrifyImageCommand/3961.

Any idea what that is? Also, does it matter where in the command you put these snippets of code? Does it change depending on the order?
by MADubs
Forum: Users
Topic: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word
Replies: 37
Views: 39634

Re: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word

I'm afraid the problem persists with RGB files like the one I posted is not specific to Grayscale. I really appreciate you trying to help...sorry we couldn't solve the mystery. I will keep working on finding the differences between the two using your suggestions. Thanks again!
by MADubs
Forum: Users
Topic: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word
Replies: 37
Views: 39634

Re: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word

So, here's what that ai looks like converted to a tiff in IM and dropped intoWord 2010: Pretty hideous, eh?
by MADubs
Forum: Users
Topic: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word
Replies: 37
Views: 39634

Re: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word

Fred, didn't you say you are running a Mac? If so, I don't think you will ever see the green, so all the code will work fine for you, ya know? The problem only shows up in Office 2010 and older on a PC
by MADubs
Forum: Users
Topic: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word
Replies: 37
Views: 39634

Re: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word

Was really hopeful that -endian lsb would work because you are the second person to suggest that, but the images are still green. Just to check...does the placement (order) in the code matter? I'm sort of randomly placing code. Here's how I added -endian: mogrify -format tif -depth 8 -density 1200 ...
by MADubs
Forum: Users
Topic: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word
Replies: 37
Views: 39634

Re: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word

I would add -alpha off to my code but it tends to result in some funky artifacts, particularly in black and white line-art that is saved at lower resolutions (under 1200 dpi). I should mention that I have tried this experiment with RGB images, both line art and photographs, with the same result ...
by MADubs
Forum: Users
Topic: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word
Replies: 37
Views: 39634

Re: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word

I did try -type truecolor and a bunch of other -type commands and none of them fixed the problem or changed the way the image appeared in Word. The only thing that even came close was removing "-flatten" from my original code. This resulted in a white background but the *lines* in the image were now ...
by MADubs
Forum: Users
Topic: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word
Replies: 37
Views: 39634

Re: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word

For the record, I did try every -alpha command there is earlier today, including -alpha off, to no avail...
by MADubs
Forum: Users
Topic: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word
Replies: 37
Views: 39634

Re: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word

Great! I will try all of those suggestions when I'm back at the office and have a PC to test it on. I'm pretty sure that you're not seeing any green because you're working on a Mac, right? On my Mac, there are no problems at all with green...I can't even replicate the problem unless I'm running ...
by MADubs
Forum: Users
Topic: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word
Replies: 37
Views: 39634

Re: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word

So you're saying that opens as For me it is just downloading as .ai. That's very odd.
by MADubs
Forum: Users
Topic: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word
Replies: 37
Views: 39634

Re: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word

So clarify this. It works in your Office 2013, but not in Office 2010. But it works for me in Office 2008. Is that correct? Correct. On a PC, it will work in Office 2013 but not previous versions. On a Mac, as far as I know, it will work in any version. Did you open the ai file in PS and convert to ...
by MADubs
Forum: Users
Topic: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word
Replies: 37
Views: 39634

Re: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word

Thank you. I installed IM using MacPorts I believe. Here's what I've got: TIFF* TIFF rw+ Tagged Image File Format (LIBTIFF, Version 4.0.3) TIFF64* TIFF rw- Tagged Image File Format (64-bit) (LIBTIFF, Version 4.0.3) gs --version : 9.10 At this point, I believe this has something to do with the alpha ...
by MADubs
Forum: Users
Topic: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word
Replies: 37
Views: 39634

Re: Ack! IM Tiffs turn bright green when dropped into Word

Running 6.8.9-1; can you instruct me on how to update libtiff?