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by Tanke_MD
Forum: Users
Topic: CJK Fonts in convert.exe
Replies: 2
Views: 1833

Re: CJK Fonts in convert.exe

Hi, I didnt found the way to do it, this is, in type-ghostscript.xml for example we have these tags: <type name="Times-Roman" fullname="Times Regular" family="Times" foundry="URW" weight="400" style="normal" stretch="normal" format="type1" metrics="@ghostscript_font_path@n021003l.afm" glyphs ...
by Tanke_MD
Forum: Users
Topic: CJK Fonts in convert.exe
Replies: 2
Views: 1833

CJK Fonts in convert.exe

Hi guys, Im new in this forum, but I was using ImageMagick some time and I love it. I have some problem converting pdf, pcl or postscript files to image keeping CJK fonts, I have installed this kind of fonts in Windows, using "identify -list font" I get a list of fonts and there are fonts like ...