Search found 4 matches

by urewelcome
Forum: Users
Topic: Drawing text as part of long convert, php exec
Replies: 0
Views: 2927

Drawing text as part of long convert, php exec

I have a long convert command that works just fine in composting several images. I want to add some text layer after the images are composed, but I cant seem to get it right. Where and how should I add the text? $cmd =" -size {$final_image_w}x{$final_image_h} xc:white -density 300 "; $cmd ...
by urewelcome
Forum: Users
Topic: mogrify -draw text dont work , php exec
Replies: 1
Views: 1955

mogrify -draw text dont work , php exec

I'm trying a couple of option to get mogrify -draw text to work but cant succeed. Im using exec command on php. Proviouse convert command work just fine, and also draw a circle work just fine, just cant get the text to work. error code is outputed - only 1. first try : exec("mogrify -gravity Center ...
by urewelcome
Forum: Users
Topic: Using Imagick -draw image over with php exec returns 126 out
Replies: 2
Views: 2615

Re: Using Imagick -draw image over with php exec returns 126

Bonzo, ThankX
That does it.

I'm new to Imagick, and appreciate your help very much :)
by urewelcome
Forum: Users
Topic: Using Imagick -draw image over with php exec returns 126 out
Replies: 2
Views: 2615

Using Imagick -draw image over with php exec returns 126 out

I'm trying to draw an image onto a blank canvas using php exec exec("convert -size ".$final_image_w."x".$final_image_h." xc:white -draw 'image over 0,1659 500,200 /home/isocia5/public_html/fbcalendar/images/exports/cal_print_bot_1.jpg' /home/isocia5/public_html/fbcalendar/src/php/upload/temp/blank ...