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by AcsPrime
Forum: Users
Topic: No unicode text
Replies: 6
Views: 2272

Re: No unicode text

Yes, this was the problem.
I had to use the Nanum Gothic font to get the symbol.

by AcsPrime
Forum: Users
Topic: No unicode text
Replies: 6
Views: 2272

Re: No unicode text

I am now using this command: -pointsize 16 -draw @koreantext And in the koreantext file I have this: text 15,24 '사이츠' I can see this in the command line (if I cat the file) and I can see this in vim but when this gets to the image I still see ??? What else can I do? Do I have to resort to using image ...
by AcsPrime
Forum: Users
Topic: No unicode text
Replies: 6
Views: 2272

Re: No unicode text


I updated my imagemagik version, it is now 6.8.9-0 Q16 x86_64

I tried doing what you said:

Code: Select all

 -draw "text 15,24 '@koreantext'"
I just the @koreantext printed in the image.
If I just do with the text I still get ???

Is there any other way?
by AcsPrime
Forum: Users
Topic: No unicode text
Replies: 6
Views: 2272

No unicode text

Hey guys, I have an image with some text. Some text needs to be in another language. I have this in the code that creates the image -pointsize 17 -draw "text 10,-20 '사이츠 M'" \ I can see this perfectly in vim, but when the image is created I just see "???". Do I have to turn something on? I am using I ...
by AcsPrime
Forum: Users
Topic: Set draw text to the right
Replies: 1
Views: 3482

Set draw text to the right

Hey guys. I am new to image magick. I am trying to create an image with some text aligned left some aligned right. This is the code I have to create the image convert -fill black -size 450x150 xc:white \ Then I add the text. The ones on the left are easy. I just do (in the convert command ...