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by Moosa
Forum: Users
Topic: Resizing to fill a space
Replies: 1
Views: 2350

Re: Resizing to fill a space

Got it from another post. Here is what worked for me. has_attached_file :image, :styles => { :medium => "250x250", :thumb => "100x100" }, :default_url => "", :convert_options => {:medium => '-background white -gravity center -extent 250x250', :thumb => '-background white -gravity center -extent ...
by Moosa
Forum: Users
Topic: Resizing to fill a space
Replies: 1
Views: 2350

Resizing to fill a space

I have thumbnail product images that are in different aspect ratios and sizes. This is a marketplace app so sellers will load images in various sizes. I want to resize to make them fit within the 200x200 thumbnail grid that I have. i.e. if the aspect ratio is not square, fill the blank space so the ...