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by chrisedwards
Forum: Users
Topic: ERR outputting TIFF to JPG on fd:1 in script mode IM7
Replies: 2
Views: 2116

Re: ERR outputting TIFF to JPG on fd:1 in script mode IM7

If I specify

Code: Select all

-write jpeg:fd:1
It works fine. I was very much misinterpreting what "-format" does for magick (I was thinking mogrify usage).

Is there a way to set format beforehand with magick/convert without specifying it at output?

This isn't a bug.
by chrisedwards
Forum: Users
Topic: ERR outputting TIFF to JPG on fd:1 in script mode IM7
Replies: 2
Views: 2116

ERR outputting TIFF to JPG on fd:1 in script mode IM7

Good morning, Executing the following: magick.exe -script - Running: -read "test.tif"[0] -format "jpeg" -define jpeg:dct-method=float -format "jpeg" -resize "196x196^" -gravity "center" -crop "196x196+0+0" +repage -quality 80 -strip -write fd:1 Produces the following error: II* TIFFAppendToStrip ...
by chrisedwards
Forum: Developers
Topic: stdout buffering with -script - mode
Replies: 3
Views: 4567

Re: stdout buffering with -script - mode

by chrisedwards
Forum: Developers
Topic: stdout buffering with -script - mode
Replies: 3
Views: 4567

Re: stdout buffering with -script - mode

Ok. For now I've disabled the buffer with: setbuf(stdout, NULL); Compiling now and will test it out. Ideally a command should always flush() when it's done, since there would be some performance gains to letting the buffer exist if the output is large. Otherwise it'd be be nice to be able to flush ...
by chrisedwards
Forum: Developers
Topic: stdout buffering with -script - mode
Replies: 3
Views: 4567

stdout buffering with -script - mode

I've compiled Magick (IM7) for Windows 8 with standard options and no compile errors. I'm trying to build a simple wrapper around magick.exe with Python subprocess.POpen and have been running into trouble with buffering of the script output, which I've isolated as being an issue with how magick.exe ...