Daniels-MacBook-Pro-2:treerings dbarandiaran$ convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.8.9-3 Q16 x86_64 2014-06-17 http://www.imagemagick.org
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2014 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: DPC
Delegates: bzlib jng jpeg lcms png tiff xml zlib
Search found 3 matches
- 2014-10-01T09:22:47-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: issue with convert command
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1322
- 2014-09-30T05:56:53-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: issue with convert command
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1322
Re: issue with convert command
No I cannot convert one .eps either:
Daniels-MacBook-Pro-2:RECONST dbarandiaran$ convert zero_swe_grid_1940.eps test.gif
convert: no images defined `test.gif' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3187.
Daniels-MacBook-Pro-2:RECONST dbarandiaran$ convert zero_swe_grid_1940.eps test.gif
convert: no images defined `test.gif' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3187.
- 2014-09-29T15:50:57-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: issue with convert command
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1322
issue with convert command
Hi all, I am using version 6.8.9-3 Q16 x86_64 on a macbook pro with OS X 10.9.4. When I try to convert a series of .eps files into a .gif file, I get the following error: Daniels-MacBook-Pro-2:RECONST dbarandiaran$ convert *.eps animation.gif convert: no images defined `animation.gif' @ error ...