Search found 28 matches

by ylafont
Forum: Users
Topic: Deskew and auto combine
Replies: 2
Views: 2348

Re: Deskew and auto combine

snibgo, you are correct on the format. I don not need the generated files with the exception of the last one.

Thank you for the guidance. Will try out as soon as i get a new machine up and running. thank you.
by ylafont
Forum: Users
Topic: Deskew and auto combine
Replies: 2
Views: 2348

Deskew and auto combine

I have 2 novice questions on IM and hoping someone can provide some tutelage, I am have been trying to deskew an image but recieve warnings. I was was wondering if i was doing something wrong convert image1.tiff -deskew 40% image1_Deskewed reports convert.im6: "XPosition": Information lost writing ...
by ylafont
Forum: Users
Topic: Deleting blanks pages
Replies: 29
Views: 13494

Re: Deleting blanks pages

snibgo wrote:Perhaps if you increase the voltage to the Pi by 32 times it will go 32 times faster? (Only kidding -- don't do this!)
No, but i have not played with the overclocking on it yet. It may help!
by ylafont
Forum: Users
Topic: Deleting blanks pages
Replies: 29
Views: 13494

Re: Deleting blanks pages

snibgo wrote:about 0.34 seconds per image.
HUGE Difference! compared to my 13 seconds per page on the pi!
by ylafont
Forum: Users
Topic: Deleting blanks pages
Replies: 29
Views: 13494

Re: Deleting blanks pages

My results seem the same as yours: 0.926911, out3.tif 0.92885, out31.tif 0.934371, out15.tif 0.936339, out13.tif 0.940447, out29.tif 0.944369, out27.tif 0.951414, out19.tif 0.953579, out21.tif 0.957244, out23.tif 0.95953, out11.tif 0.962744, out25.tif 0.964442, out17.tif 0.964521, out5.tif 0.970369 ...
by ylafont
Forum: Users
Topic: Deleting blanks pages
Replies: 29
Views: 13494

Re: Deleting blanks pages

Thanks, I already have a bash script to go through each of the pages. I got excited at first, results were coming back in few seconds until i realized the command only has one "%" instead of two in linux. Mean method Took a consistent 13 seconds per page, which is better than the first method tried ...
by ylafont
Forum: Users
Topic: Deleting blanks pages
Replies: 29
Views: 13494

Re: Deleting blanks pages

In these images, the odd-numbered pages (out1, out3, out5, ...) have text. Their mean values vary from 0.926911 to 0.988824. So the lightest page that has text has mean 0.988824. The even-numbered pages (out2, out4, out6, ...) have no text. They are nominally blank. Their mean value vary from 0 ...
by ylafont
Forum: Users
Topic: Deleting blanks pages
Replies: 29
Views: 13494

Re: Deleting blanks pages

You must have it backwards. A lighter image will have a higher mean value than a darker image. I am not quite following the significance of even and odd pages. The scanner was set to scan in Duplex Mode Via the ADF, Hence there is blank page on every other page. Fixing the Libtiff issure broke a ...
by ylafont
Forum: Users
Topic: Deleting blanks pages
Replies: 29
Views: 13494

Re: Deleting blanks pages

time compare -metric rmse -subimage-search -dissimilarity-threshold 1 -similarity-threshold 0.98 white1.png \( -size 1x1 xc:black \) null: 64224 (0.979995) @ 10,10 real 0m16.691s user 0m15.020s sys 0m0.620s thought I have posted those, sorry, however not sure it that will help. was running some ...
by ylafont
Forum: Users
Topic: Deleting blanks pages
Replies: 29
Views: 13494

Re: Deleting blanks pages

I was finally able to straiten out all the delegate issues, command are now being accepted. it still takes to almost 30 seconds per page, also, there is no score of (1) on even pages (out4.tif and out6.tif), which are white pages. any way of improving? pi@PiScanner ~/tmp/TestScans $ time compare ...
by ylafont
Forum: Users
Topic: Problem???
Replies: 9
Views: 6289

Re: Problem???

Frustrating to say the least. Compiled and installed both, IM did not pick up the new version for libtiff. Is there a file i can edit does everything needs to be complete uninstalled and uninstalled? UPDATE:-------------- Ok I think i got it. dpkg- querry showed that both version of libtiff were ...
by ylafont
Forum: Users
Topic: Problem???
Replies: 9
Views: 6289

Re: Problem???

I do not know. But I always recompile IM to be safe. identify -list format will tell you the version number of libtiff. So you can try without recompiling IM and check. If it is not the current version, then recompile IM. did not pick it up, recompiling now. usually takes about 2 hours on a pi.
by ylafont
Forum: Users
Topic: Problem???
Replies: 9
Views: 6289

Re: Problem???

fmw42 wrote:LibTiff is now at 4.0.3. Perhaps the newer version may have it fixed. See for downloading.
trying that now hopefully it will help, as it compiles. do you know if i will have to recompile and make IM again? or should it pick up the new version of libtiff?
by ylafont
Forum: Users
Topic: Deleting blanks pages
Replies: 29
Views: 13494

Re: Deleting blanks pages

I could not identify or convert, the images were fine since i could view them. It appears it may be something with the TIFF delegates. I am upgrading now to see if it helps.
by ylafont
Forum: Users
Topic: Problem???
Replies: 9
Views: 6289

Re: Problem???

pi@PiScanner ~/tmp/TestScans $ identify -list format | grep -i tiff EPT rw- Encapsulated PostScript with TIFF preview EPT2 rw- Encapsulated PostScript Level II with TIFF preview EPT3 rw+ Encapsulated PostScript Level III with TIFF preview PTIF* rw+ Pyramid encoded TIFF TIFF* rw+ Tagged Image File ...