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by oguru
Forum: Users
Topic: Keeping Anti-alias while turning off Alpha for Backgrounds
Replies: 2
Views: 1854

Re: Keeping Anti-alias while turning off Alpha for Backgrounds

Thanks glennrp for the help. Found it. "-alpha remove" accomplishes the task. But doubled the file size. Keeping the depth to 8 solved the size issue.

Code: Select all

convert -quality 95 -depth 8  -density 150x150 PDF_SOURCE -resize 1275x1650  -alpha remove  IMG_DESTINATION
by oguru
Forum: Users
Topic: Keeping Anti-alias while turning off Alpha for Backgrounds
Replies: 2
Views: 1854

Keeping Anti-alias while turning off Alpha for Backgrounds

Hi guys, I'm using ImageMagick to convert PDFs into PNGs. Some of the PDFs have a transparent background. I want the PNGs to have a white background (and remove the transparency). This is the command we have now to disable the alpha channel: convert -alpha off -quality 95 -density 150x150 PDF_SOURCE ...