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by Imagition
Forum: Users
Topic: How does getImageCompressionQuality work?
Replies: 2
Views: 1781

Re: How does getImageCompressionQuality work?

Thanks for the fast and spot on reply! So the values should be pretty reliable, that corresponds with what I have experienced so far. Sometimes it's way off when analyzing jpgs that had been saved with absurdly low quality settings (0 in Photoshop e.g.) but these extreme cases don't really bother me.
by Imagition
Forum: Users
Topic: How does getImageCompressionQuality work?
Replies: 2
Views: 1781

How does getImageCompressionQuality work?

Hi there, I have been using ImageMagick (Imagick) for a couple of days now and it amazes me every day. Now I got to a point in my application where I have to rely on values that come from analyzing an image using $image->getImageCompressionQuality(). It seems to work quite well but I'm curious how ...