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by bajram
Forum: Users
Topic: Zoom, offset, crop
Replies: 2
Views: 2526

Re: Zoom, offset, crop


I found the solution, here it is:

Resize the image to the new size, crop it with specified x/y offset and then rebuild it completely as an image

Code: Select all

/usr/local/bin/convert from.gif  -resize 427x238 -crop 180x180+124+67 +repage  to.gif
by bajram
Forum: Users
Topic: Zoom, offset, crop
Replies: 2
Views: 2526

Zoom, offset, crop

Hi, I found ImageMagick very helpful on manipulating with images. However, I'm trying to accomplish the following result for days now and it seams that I'm still not understanding what is going on! What I want to achieve is: Get an image (gif, jpg or png) of a give dimension, ex.: 377x250px, zoom it ...