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by mundi
Forum: Users
Topic: Number of pages of tiff in version 6.9.1
Replies: 9
Views: 10613

Re: Number of pages of tiff in version 6.9.1

Thanks for the hints.

What I did now is that I wrote a small powershell script:

Code: Select all

$pages = identify -format "%n " [name of tiff file]
echo $pages.subString(0, $pages.indexOf(" "))
This gives me the number of pages.

Thanks for your help
by mundi
Forum: Users
Topic: Number of pages of tiff in version 6.9.1
Replies: 9
Views: 10613

Re: Number of pages of tiff in version 6.9.1

For me in the 6.9.0 version it always produced the output only once, nevertheless if I use "%n", "%n\n" or "%n ".

It seems that for the latest version 6.9.1 it produces its output once per page...
by mundi
Forum: Users
Topic: Number of pages of tiff in version 6.9.1
Replies: 9
Views: 10613

Number of pages of tiff in version 6.9.1

Hello, Using ImageMagick 6.9.0 I got the number the pages of a multipaged tiff using the command identify -format %n [name of tiff file] this returned me for a specific tiff "602PS". Now after upgrading to version 6.9.1 the same command results me "602602602602602602602...(and so on)PS". Why is this ...
by mundi
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert multipage tiff into blocks of 100 pages
Replies: 2
Views: 2437

Re: Convert multipage tiff into blocks of 100 pages

Yes, your command did it! Thanks!
by mundi
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert multipage tiff into blocks of 100 pages
Replies: 2
Views: 2437

Convert multipage tiff into blocks of 100 pages

Hello, I have a big tiff file of over 1000 pages and want to to split it up in single paged tiffs I use the command convert blah.tif -compress JPEG blah_page%04d.tif The problem is that this uses all memory and aborts. What I want to do now is splitting the tif in smaller tifs of 100 pages then ...