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by TiborB
Forum: Users
Topic: Clip values of a channel if out of the defined range
Replies: 4
Views: 1522

Re: Clip values of a channel if out of the defined range


thanks for all answers, I am still toying with it, the results are not as I expected but at least it is fun :)

by TiborB
Forum: Users
Topic: Clip values of a channel if out of the defined range
Replies: 4
Views: 1522

Re: Clip values of a channel if out of the defined range

Yes, this look like exactly what I need. I made some experiments because it still doesnt work as I hoped. The simpliest operation is like this: convert input.jpg -colorspace HSL -channel G -evaluate Min 10% -colorspace RGB output.jpg This seems to work, it limits the saturation. Though that "S ...
by TiborB
Forum: Users
Topic: Clip values of a channel if out of the defined range
Replies: 4
Views: 1522

Clip values of a channel if out of the defined range

Hi, I want to convert the image to LAB (this in fact is not important) and set minimum and maximum of AB values the way that values inside the range are not changed and values out of range are set to the range borders.. I am bit familiar with gimp, but it doesnt have this functionality it seems, so ...
by TiborB
Forum: Users
Topic: convert's result - merge with original
Replies: 7
Views: 1771

Re: convert's result - merge with original

Thanks guys,

Snibgo's answer is exactly what I asked for. Thank you very much.
Also, I can say the syntax is completely unintuitive :)
by TiborB
Forum: Users
Topic: convert's result - merge with original
Replies: 7
Views: 1771

convert's result - merge with original

Hi, I am doing this: convert input.jpg -channel all -normalize -output.jpg and I need to limit the effect to f.e. 50%. Effectively like set the result on top layer and set the opacity of it to 50%. (In gimp it is trivial for me) I read about all that compose, composite, dissolve, clone and ...