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by AntonioKovacevic
Forum: Users
Topic: Merging Images
Replies: 5
Views: 2395

Re: Merging Images

Thank you. This command worked: montage.exe -mode concatenate -tile 1x14 [0-9]*_[0-9]*.jpg miff:- | convert.exe - +append final.jpg Anybody knows a way to bulk rename files from X_Y to X_0Y, if the second number is not bigger than 10? BulkRenameUtility + RegEx maybe? Figured it out (\d{1})_(\d{1 ...
by AntonioKovacevic
Forum: Users
Topic: Merging Images
Replies: 5
Views: 2395

Re: Merging Images

File names go 00x00, 02x05, 09x11.. I get an error No such file or directory. What am I doing wrong?
by AntonioKovacevic
Forum: Users
Topic: Merging Images
Replies: 5
Views: 2395

Re: Merging Images

This is the result of the above mentioned command: And this is the result of this command: montage -tile 1x10 [0-9]_[0-9].jpg miff:- | convert - +append final.jpg I guess this only works ...
by AntonioKovacevic
Forum: Users
Topic: Merging Images
Replies: 5
Views: 2395

Merging Images

Hello people. I am new to the ImageMagic and I require your help. I have a folder of images 0-9_0-13.jpg. First number is column and second one is a row. I'm using this command to merge those images together: E:\315\001_files\12>montage.exe -tile 1x14 [0-9]_[0-13].jpg miff:- | convert.exe - +append ...