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by kvz
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting this jpg ruins it for OSX & iOS (copy-pastable steps to reproduce included)
Replies: 5
Views: 2245

Re: Converting this jpg ruins it for OSX & iOS (copy-pastable steps to reproduce included)

I just got word from my customer that iOS 7 and earlier can display the converted image correctly. So it seems only Apple's latests are affected
by kvz
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting this jpg ruins it for OSX & iOS (copy-pastable steps to reproduce included)
Replies: 5
Views: 2245

Re: Converting this jpg ruins it for OSX & iOS (copy-pastable steps to reproduce included)

So a Yosemite/iOS8 issue maybe? It was reported by a customer and I could reproduce - leading me to think it's not my machines or clumsiness in this case ; )
by kvz
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting this jpg ruins it for OSX & iOS (copy-pastable steps to reproduce included)
Replies: 5
Views: 2245

Re: Converting this jpg ruins it for OSX & iOS (copy-pastable steps to reproduce included)

Not doing any colorspace conversion no, the command used is:

Code: Select all

convert orig.jpg new.jpg
As for the colorspace itself, sRGB is indicated:

Code: Select all

$ identify orig.jpg
orig.jpg JPEG 1024x768 1024x768+0+0 8-bit sRGB 501KB 0.000u 0:00.000
by kvz
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting this jpg ruins it for OSX & iOS (copy-pastable steps to reproduce included)
Replies: 5
Views: 2245

Converting this jpg ruins it for OSX & iOS (copy-pastable steps to reproduce included)

Hi, A customer of ours is trying to convert this jpg: through our service which relies on imagemagick. When the conversion is done though, the file displays properly on all devices except those running OSX (at least Yosemite) and iOS (at least ...