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by barbaros_akkurt
Forum: Users
Topic: Add a standard text or watermark image to a PDF file
Replies: 2
Views: 6183

Re: Add a standard text or watermark image to a PDF file

Thank you for your reply. I will try the modified script and will try to tell about what happened. Regards, Barbaros
by barbaros_akkurt
Forum: Users
Topic: Add a standard text or watermark image to a PDF file
Replies: 2
Views: 6183

Add a standard text or watermark image to a PDF file

Hello, The command I am using in a Python script is as follows: "convert -density 150 -strip -interlace JPEG -compress JPEG -quality 60 -sharpen 0x1.0 -trim -fill grey -font Times-Bold -pointsize 10 -gravity South -layers composite -annotate +0+0 'ITU Mustafa Inan Kutuphanesi' %s %s"%(pdf_file, pdf ...