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by starfry
Forum: Users
Topic: TIFF to DNG conversion?
Replies: 10
Views: 16886

Re: TIFF to DNG conversion?

Just in case anyone really wants to do this... there is a way to convert TIFF to DNG (and, also DNG to TIFF but there are other ways to do that). If you have the professional edition of VueScan then you can "scan" a file (a TIFF or DNG) and save the resulting scan as either a TIFF or a DNG. So ...
by starfry
Forum: Users
Topic: How is identify image signature computed in v7 ?
Replies: 0
Views: 15454

How is identify image signature computed in v7 ?

I have some code that computes an image signature like this $ stream -map rgb -storage-type short file.tif - | sha256sum bf186e203ad5e7642483d0616793c2d9697629e039acbd733cc37a298eb547b8 - It gave me the same result as `identify` when I use IM 6.9.9-35: identify -verbose raw.tif | grep -i signature ...
by starfry
Forum: Users
Topic: Imagemagick cannot process DNG ( file not found)
Replies: 6
Views: 10069

Re: Imagemagick cannot process DNG ( file not found)

I've been trying to get to the bottom of this unsuccessfully. I have checked my delegates.xml file: $ grep dng /etc/ImageMagick-7/delegates.xml <delegate decode="dng:decode" command="&quot;ufraw-batch&quot; --silent --create-id=also --out-type=png --out-depth=16 &quot;--output=%u.png&quot; &quot;%i ...
by starfry
Forum: Users
Topic: TIFF to DNG conversion?
Replies: 10
Views: 16886

Re: TIFF to DNG conversion?

Thanks for the reply :) I only discovered that forum the other day as it happens, I'll have to sign up there and see if I can get more info. I've been trying to line things up for a scanning workflow which archives to linear DNG but hit so many roadblocks that I feel it might be not worth the bother ...
by starfry
Forum: Users
Topic: TIFF to DNG conversion?
Replies: 10
Views: 16886

Re: TIFF to DNG conversion?

Is this still the case in 2018 ?

(I hope it's ok to bump an old qestion but this is exactly what I wanted to ask...)
by starfry
Forum: Users
Topic: Imagemagick cannot process DNG ( file not found)
Replies: 6
Views: 10069

Re: Imagemagick cannot process DNG ( file not found)

No, I installed the Arch Linux package.

Code: Select all

$ pacman -S imagemagick
by starfry
Forum: Users
Topic: Imagemagick cannot process DNG ( file not found)
Replies: 6
Views: 10069

Re: Imagemagick cannot process DNG ( file not found)

Well I never knew that :lol: But I do get the same problem with "identify" and "magick identify". I also tried with version 6 and also had the same problem. FWIW I didn't intentionally update to v7 but with Arch, being "bleeding edge", that's what happened :) $ identify dng:image.dng identify ...
by starfry
Forum: Users
Topic: Imagemagick cannot process DNG ( file not found)
Replies: 6
Views: 10069

Imagemagick cannot process DNG ( file not found)

I have this makefile that converts images. I have not used it for a while but now I try and get an error that I can reproduce as follows $ identify dng:image.dng identify: unable to open image 'dng:image.dng': No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/3357. identify: unable to load module ...
by starfry
Forum: Users
Topic: Depth of raw RGB data
Replies: 5
Views: 6550

Re: Depth of raw RGB data

The exact wording is "the number of bits in a color sample within a pixel" and I didn't interpret that sub-phrase correctly. Had it said "per colour sample per pixel" I think I might have interpreted it differently and understood it a lot quicker :) So it's down to my misunderstanding. I think the ...
by starfry
Forum: Users
Topic: Depth of raw RGB data
Replies: 5
Views: 6550

Re: Depth of raw RGB data

I have already read that and have performed many searches before asking the question. RGB files do indeed have three colour samples per pixel. In my raw data that is three bytes which is 24 bits. I would have expected that the "depth" would be 24 but I found that convert didn't accept the input data ...
by starfry
Forum: Users
Topic: Depth of raw RGB data
Replies: 5
Views: 6550

Depth of raw RGB data

I am processing some raw RGB data that I perceive to be RGB (1 byte Red, 1 byte Blue and 1 byte Green). The data is written to a file such that each triplet (3 bytes in the order red-green-blue, totalling 3*8=24 bits) represents one pixel. The image is 1920x1080 = 2073600 = 6220800 bytes. The ...