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by gaylorr
Forum: Users
Topic: combining several PNG8 into an image
Replies: 4
Views: 2327

Re: combining several PNG8 into an image

That worked! Thank you!

More and more I use this I understand more the sequence of operations...I have read all the "help" and "how to's" listed but until you do it more, it doesnt really make sense.

Thanks again!
by gaylorr
Forum: Users
Topic: combining several PNG8 into an image
Replies: 4
Views: 2327

Re: combining several PNG8 into an image

If I understand correctly, you have 5 images the same size. Each has some opaque pixels and some transparent. You want an output the same size, that is white where all of the five are transparent, and some other colour (black?) where any of them are opaque. convert in1.png in2.png in3.png in4.png ...
by gaylorr
Forum: Users
Topic: combining several PNG8 into an image
Replies: 4
Views: 2327

combining several PNG8 into an image

windows 7 Pro (x64) 6.9.2 Q8 I am tryin to (in a windows .CMD script) combine 5 images, all are PNG8 formatted from a previous process... Each image is a single color of R, G or B...I want to bring all of them into a new image and combine them to get an image out that is the UNUSED pixels of this ...
by gaylorr
Forum: Users
Topic: Change a single range and the rest black
Replies: 10
Views: 3106

Re: Change a single range and the rest black

In the end, this worked: convert ImageIn.png -alpha remove -fuzz 7.5%% -fill black +opaque DarkOliveGreen -fill white -opaque DarkOliveGreen PNG24:ImageOut.png So that very much helped me figure it out...thanks! This gives me an entirely black image except where I had green, and then turns that to ...
by gaylorr
Forum: Users
Topic: Change a single range and the rest black
Replies: 10
Views: 3106

Re: Change a single range and the rest black

It is Windows...(I had previously edited my post to include that) and I am using command line batch (cmd) files...(yes I remembered to use %% this time ;-) ) Thanks! I am still getting the hang of all that this amazing program can do, but more importantly, HOW to get there... Are you on Windows or ...
by gaylorr
Forum: Users
Topic: Change a single range and the rest black
Replies: 10
Views: 3106

Re: Change a single range and the rest black

fmw42 wrote:

Code: Select all

convert imageIn.png -alpha off -fuzz 7.5% -fill white -opaque DarkOliveGreen \
-fuzz 0 -fill black +opaque white PNG24:imageOut.png
That yields an entirely black image.
by gaylorr
Forum: Users
Topic: Change a single range and the rest black
Replies: 10
Views: 3106

Re: Change a single range and the rest black

Thank you very much!
fmw42 wrote:P.S. Please always provide your IM version and platform when asking questions. See viewtopic.php?f=1&t=9620
Absolutely...sorry about that.... 6.9.2-4 Q8 x64 windows 7 Pro
by gaylorr
Forum: Users
Topic: Change a single range and the rest black
Replies: 10
Views: 3106

Change a single range and the rest black

I am trying to take an image, make ALL of it black, except for a specific color range (of DarkOliveGreen) but not having luck The image has alpha (PNG alpha, not an actual Alpha channel), which I want to also make go away. convert imageIn.png -fuzz 7.5% -fill white -opaque DarkOliveGreen PNG24 ...
by gaylorr
Forum: Users
Topic: Picking a single RED value, and all the G and B (0-255)
Replies: 38
Views: 12155

Re: Picking a single RED value, and all the G and B (0-255)

In your cmd/BAT file, you have correctly doubled the % sign in %%x. Why haven't you doubled it in "15%"? Yep...I just found that in another post...I've been tryin to do that research first, but didn't find it until just now: ...
by gaylorr
Forum: Users
Topic: Picking a single RED value, and all the G and B (0-255)
Replies: 38
Views: 12155

Re: Picking a single RED value, and all the G and B (0-255)

I tried to do something like this with my list of commands, but all the symbols are jacking it up I think:

for %%x in (*.tif) do convert %%x -channel r -separate +channel -fill black -fuzz 15% +opaque "gray(255)" -fill white -opaque "gray(255)" ./roofs/%%x
by gaylorr
Forum: Users
Topic: Picking a single RED value, and all the G and B (0-255)
Replies: 38
Views: 12155

Re: Picking a single RED value, and all the G and B (0-255)

well...I figured it out, but I am not sure what to do to fix it... If I use a single command like, it does "15%" , if I use it in a string of other commands (other images) in a .cmd file (windows) it sees it as "15" using Beyond Compare, I checked the 2 outputs...1 from direct command line prompt ...
by gaylorr
Forum: Users
Topic: Picking a single RED value, and all the G and B (0-255)
Replies: 38
Views: 12155

Re: Picking a single RED value, and all the G and B (0-255)

well...I figured it out, but I am not sure what to do to fix it... If I use a single command like, it does "15%" , if I use it in a string of other commands (other images) in a .cmd file (windows) it sees it as "15" using Beyond Compare, I checked the 2 outputs...1 from direct command line prompt ...
by gaylorr
Forum: Users
Topic: Picking a single RED value, and all the G and B (0-255)
Replies: 38
Views: 12155

Re: Picking a single RED value, and all the G and B (0-255)

Hmm...I used 15% and it did not get the values I expected it to pick up. In this case I wanted to grab the roof polygons of the 3D model...represented in this situation as a value of 255 (out of R=0-255): convert filename.tif -channel r -separate +channel -fill black -fuzz 15% +opaque "gray(255 ...
by gaylorr
Forum: Users
Topic: Picking a single RED value, and all the G and B (0-255)
Replies: 38
Views: 12155

Re: Picking a single RED value, and all the G and B (0-255)

fmw42 wrote:Yes, my mistake. User snibgo is correct.
Ok awesome...and thanks again to both of you...I was waiting to see which one of you was correct ;-)

I figured that conversation would happen.

I'm really liking this software....
by gaylorr
Forum: Users
Topic: Picking a single RED value, and all the G and B (0-255)
Replies: 38
Views: 12155

Re: Picking a single RED value, and all the G and B (0-255)

It is giving you 5% on each side of 132. In this context it is only 5% on each side of red=132 due to the use of -channel r -separate. You must compute the range of values on each side of the center of the range and use the center of the range as the gray value. For example 105% of 132 = 139 and 95 ...