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by liyucmh
Forum: Users
Topic: Watermark all images in sub folders
Replies: 30
Views: 55997

Re: Watermark all images in sub folders

You should be able to use composite, but then you cannot use -draw. But composite can composite one image over another with dissolve. Did you try your command? You can overwrite files. Did you try it? I have no idea why you get and error with (8).jpg Some OS systems do not like special characters ...
by liyucmh
Forum: Users
Topic: Watermark all images in sub folders
Replies: 30
Views: 55997

Re: Watermark all images in sub folders

Sorry I missed something in your command. The input images must come first. You were using mogrify syntax with convert and that will not work. I have fixed that error and improved it to skip directories when looking for files (as long as the file has period in it). The following works fine for me ...
by liyucmh
Forum: Users
Topic: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile
Replies: 28
Views: 28307

Re: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile

[root@localhost tempL]# du -k "/mnt/hgfs/L/BaiduYunDownload/tempL/temppic/2016.02.22 [정홍빛은유혹] 분2 68G/test (2).jpg" 0 /mnt/hgfs/L/BaiduYunDownload/tempL/temppic/2016.02.22 [정홍빛은유혹] 분2 68G/test (2).jpg [root@localhost tempL]# According to your script this file wouldn't be processed because du -k "/mnt ...
by liyucmh
Forum: Users
Topic: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile
Replies: 28
Views: 28307

Re: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile

[root@localhost tempL]# du -k "/mnt/hgfs/L/BaiduYunDownload/tempL/temppic/2016.02.22 [정홍빛은유혹] 분2 68G/test (2).jpg"
0 /mnt/hgfs/L/BaiduYunDownload/tempL/temppic/2016.02.22 [정홍빛은유혹] 분2 68G/test (2).jpg
[root@localhost tempL]#
by liyucmh
Forum: Users
Topic: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile
Replies: 28
Views: 28307

Re: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile

vonbiber wrote:Run your command

Code: Select all

to the file mentioned by Fred:

Code: Select all

du -k "your test file here"
What do you get?

sorry, i do not know how to chage, can you provide entire code for me to test, my English is poor, thanks
by liyucmh
Forum: Users
Topic: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile
Replies: 28
Views: 28307

Re: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile

Yes, I would agree. I overlooked the fact that $each needs to be quoted also. #!/bin/bash for each in "$(find /mnt/hgfs/L/BaiduYunDownload/tempL/temppic/* -type f -name '*.jpg')" do s=`du -k "$each" | awk '{print $1}'` if [ $s -gt 10 ]; then convert -resize 766 -quality 75 "$each" "$each" convert ...
by liyucmh
Forum: Users
Topic: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile
Replies: 28
Views: 28307

Re: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile

thanks for your help, but still can not work below is my test code and result file path: /mnt/hgfs/L/BaiduYunDownload/tempL/temppic/2016.02.22 [정홍빛은유혹] 분2 68G/test (2).jpg my code: #!/bin/bash for each in "$(find /mnt/hgfs/L/BaiduYunDownload/tempL/temppic/* -type f -name '*.jpg')" do s=`du -k $each | ...
by liyucmh
Forum: Users
Topic: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile
Replies: 28
Views: 28307

Re: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile

You could use the unix command 'find' to traverse all folders and subfolders. Provided your pictures are all jpg, something like that will list all the jpg files found in the top directory /mnt/hgfs/L/tempL and its subfolders: #!/bin/bash find /mnt/hgfs/L/tempL/* -type f -name '*.jpg' | while read ...
by liyucmh
Forum: Users
Topic: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile
Replies: 28
Views: 28307

Re: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile

fmw42 wrote:You will have to find or list all folders you want to process and loop over each one in bash with your script. So you need an outer loop over each folder.
so how to write in one script, i am new to bash command, can you help me, thanks
by liyucmh
Forum: Users
Topic: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile
Replies: 28
Views: 28307

Re: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile

yes, so how to scripting in bash, i can process all pics, includes sub folders thanks, Your code is already scripting in bash. It starts with #!/bin/bash and does its looping in bash. Only the convert and composite commands are Imagemagick. thanks, but it only process root folder TempL, do not ...
by liyucmh
Forum: Users
Topic: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile
Replies: 28
Views: 28307

Re: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile

can you help me, i am new to imagemagick, i do not how to do a pipe, can you help me write, thanks Your code already has a pipe. convert /mnt/hgfs/L/tempL/rotate_330_614.png -fill grey50 -colorize 40 miff:- | composite -dissolve 8 -tile - $each $each 2>/dev/null The pipe is the | symbol. Perhaps if ...
by liyucmh
Forum: Users
Topic: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile
Replies: 28
Views: 28307

Re: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile

snibgo wrote:
liyucmh wrote:how to modify this script to process all pics in folder tempL includes its sub folders
That question is about scripting in bash, not about ImageMagick.
yes, so how to scripting in bash, i can process all pics, includes sub folders thanks,
by liyucmh
Forum: Users
Topic: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile
Replies: 28
Views: 28307

Re: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile

As far as I know, Imagemagick does not traverse subdirectories. So you need to script finding each subdirectory and processing each image in the subdirectory. Proper IM syntax reads the input image before processing such as -resize. If you use the convert syntax for dissolve rather than composite ...
by liyucmh
Forum: Users
Topic: how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile
Replies: 28
Views: 28307

how to Watermark all images in sub folders use tile

dear everyone I use this to watermark pics in one folders with tile #!/bin/bash for each in /mnt/hgfs/L/tempL/*.jpg do s=`du -k $each | awk '{print $1}'` if [ $s -gt 10 ]; then convert -resize 1766 -quality 75 $each $each convert /mnt/hgfs/L/tempL/rotate_330_614.png -fill grey50 -colorize 40 miff ...
by liyucmh
Forum: Users
Topic: how to define -tile
Replies: 6
Views: 7031

Re: how to define -tile

The trick is to create logofuli.png at whatever size you need for the output, containing whatever image you need repeating. thanks for your reply I mean the logofuli.png is a fixed png file, how to add some parameter into this command composite -tile -gravity center logofuli.png myg182_01.jpg test ...