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by abduct
Forum: Users
Topic: Break image into thirds keeping center third
Replies: 2
Views: 3058

Re: Break image into thirds keeping center third

Perfect this is exactly what I was looking for!

I couldn't figure out why chop, crop, and shave were giving me weird results. I never heard of extent before. At least I learned something new.
by abduct
Forum: Users
Topic: Break image into thirds keeping center third
Replies: 2
Views: 3058

Break image into thirds keeping center third

I have images where the main detail is in the center of the image such as: And I want to crop off the left and right side by 1/3 each leaving only the center third of the image resulting in a image that is tall and narrow: Likewise ...
by abduct
Forum: Users
Topic: Reduce filesize of 4000 images
Replies: 15
Views: 28382

Re: Reduce filesize of 4000 images

So I tried another approach that a friend suggested. Rather than keeping the files as JPG I attempted to convert a small batch of copies to PNG, then run optipng tool to further apply lossless compression on the data. mogrify -resize x1200 -filter triangle -format png -posterize 24 *.jpg optipng -o7 ...
by abduct
Forum: Users
Topic: Reduce filesize of 4000 images
Replies: 15
Views: 28382

Re: Reduce filesize of 4000 images

Yes, but in IM 6 that would mean testing as a separate step and then processing in a conditional. So it would mean scripting rather than mogrify. Conditionals are fine. I'll likely iterate over the files via bash and can apply the conditionals on a per file basis. What command line flags should I ...
by abduct
Forum: Users
Topic: Reduce filesize of 4000 images
Replies: 15
Views: 28382

Re: Reduce filesize of 4000 images

I'll do some more research and see if anyone else has some more input on this topic for the sample image. I simply ran convert -quality 10% input.jpg output.jpg and on the mostly white line art image as provided above i got 238kb in file size as compared to 1178kb. When comparing the images zoomed ...
by abduct
Forum: Users
Topic: Reduce filesize of 4000 images
Replies: 15
Views: 28382

Re: Reduce filesize of 4000 images

You would have to test what amount of compression (-quality) value to use that achieves your desired visual quality needs. If you are on Unix-like system, then I have a script, downsize, that will resize to achieve a certain file size. See my link below. But this was not designed particularly for ...
by abduct
Forum: Users
Topic: Reduce filesize of 4000 images
Replies: 15
Views: 28382

Re: Reduce filesize of 4000 images

You can use mogrify to process a whole directory of images. See -strip will remove most meta data including profiles. So you may want to be careful about that or reset your color profiles after doing a -strip. But you need to be careful or test if ...
by abduct
Forum: Users
Topic: Reduce filesize of 4000 images
Replies: 15
Views: 28382

Reduce filesize of 4000 images

I have 4000 images that total 8.9gb in size. Most are jpg but there may be the a few png scattered throughout. The 4000 images are broken up into groups each group having it's own directory within the parent directory. The images are mostly the same size (dimensions) most of which are 2037x3056, the ...
by abduct
Forum: Users
Topic: Sorting images by colors via file name
Replies: 9
Views: 14580

Re: Sorting images by colors via file name

I finally got around to making a quick script for this. This doesn't organize the images by color very well (some segments it groups them fine, others not so much) but as a result of how I hashed the RBG values (concat them together) similar or duplicate images share the same or very similar color ...
by abduct
Forum: Users
Topic: Sorting images by colors via file name
Replies: 9
Views: 14580

Re: Sorting images by colors via file name

Linux, Version: ImageMagick 6.9.0-3 Q16 x86_64 2015-04-28
by abduct
Forum: Users
Topic: Sorting images by colors via file name
Replies: 9
Views: 14580

Re: Sorting images by colors via file name

Here are some images: They should be ordered something like: ...
by abduct
Forum: Users
Topic: Sorting images by colors via file name
Replies: 9
Views: 14580

Re: Sorting images by colors via file name

Well these images have been cropped and altered in minor ways so exact duplicate finding will not be possible. I am looking more for a way to summarize the colors used in an image in a way that images with close color palates are named similarly. Is there a way to sum all the colors of an image into ...
by abduct
Forum: Users
Topic: Sorting images by colors via file name
Replies: 9
Views: 14580

Sorting images by colors via file name

Hi, I was wondering if anyone has built a script (bash, ruby, python) which can organize images based on their colors and numerically (or other) order them via renaming the files so I can visually compare them for duplicates within a file explorer. All these images are 1280x600 or larger and I would ...
by abduct
Forum: Users
Topic: How to obtain N darkest colors, N brightest colors, and N most used colors from an image
Replies: 10
Views: 9569

Re: How to obtain N darkest colors, N brightest colors, and N most used colors from an image

You are only getting 6 colors, because you set -colors 6. That was why I suggested above to use -colors 256 and then head -n 6 to keep the 6 darkest pixels out of 256 Yea I realized that right after I made the edit. I can do that or simply divide the returned result into 3 groups no matter which ...
by abduct
Forum: Users
Topic: How to obtain N darkest colors, N brightest colors, and N most used colors from an image
Replies: 10
Views: 9569

Re: How to obtain N darkest colors, N brightest colors, and N most used colors from an image

Does this work: spectrumhist -c 6 -t spectrum -s lum yourimage miff:- | \ convert - -depth 8 txt: | tail -n +2 | sed 's/^[ ]*//' | sed 's/[ ][ ]*/ /g' | cut -d\ -f3 | sort -d -u Yes that works fine now thanks! After a bit of digging and peeking into your script, I hacked together a one liner that I ...