Search found 13 matches
- 2016-05-07T20:09:35-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Setting density while converted a read stream doesn't affect the quality of pdf
- Replies: 5
- Views: 4424
Re: Setting density while converted a read stream doesn't affect the quality of pdf
Every page of that input PDF document contains one raster image that occupies the entire page. There is nothing else, except for the "PageMaster Demo" blurb on the front page. If you want to add a watermark to each page, I suggest you extract the images with pdfimages (a tool available on Unix and ...
- 2016-05-07T09:47:32-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Setting density while converted a read stream doesn't affect the quality of pdf
- Replies: 5
- Views: 4424
Re: Setting density while converted a read stream doesn't affect the quality of pdf
IM 6.9.3-8snibgo wrote:Showing sample inputs and output might help us to help you.
Please also say what version of IM and Ghostscript you use.
Ghostscript 9.20
OutPut: ... 8.pdf.html
Notice the output is really poor.
- 2016-05-07T09:07:54-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Setting density while converted a read stream doesn't affect the quality of pdf
- Replies: 5
- Views: 4424
Setting density while converted a read stream doesn't affect the quality of pdf
Hi, I am converting a read stream data of pdf to another pdf with watermark. But adding density during this doesn't affect output. How do I fix it? I am using nodejs. my try: readStream.pipe(conversion code).pipe(writeStream); var args = [ // using imagemagick convert command to add watermark ...
- 2016-04-26T22:23:58-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: How to add padding to a text?
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3150
How to add padding to a text?
I want to add padding to a text in a pdf. Is there any way?
I am literally stuck at it now
Code: Select all
convert file.pdf '-fill rgba(0,0,0,0.80) -undercolor #ffffff50 '-pointsize 10 '-weight bold '-draw "gravity southwest scale 1,0.8 fill black text 0,0 "My funny text" destination.pdf
- 2016-04-26T20:50:07-07:00
- Forum: Developers
- Topic: Adding rectangle at bottom of page
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3900
Adding rectangle at bottom of page
How do I add a rectangle with white transparent background at the bottom of a page? I am annonating a text and want to enclose it with a semi-transparent rectangle. convert file.pdf -gravity southwest -quality 100 -fill "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)" -pointsize 10 -weight bold -annotate +0+0 'my text' new.pdf
- 2016-04-25T23:28:03-07:00
- Forum: Developers
- Topic: add padding to texts with convert
- Replies: 2
- Views: 6029
add padding to texts with convert
I am adding text with annotate, but the text is not centered and attached to the top. Also how do we add a padding to increase the background size and center the text? My command is: convert myPdf.pdf -gravity southwest -fill "rgba(0,0,0,0.80)" -pointsize 10 -annotate +0+0 "This is my text." compose ...
- 2016-04-19T07:13:09-07:00
- Forum: Developers
- Topic: converting doc or docx file to pdf
- Replies: 13
- Views: 30553
Re: converting doc or docx file to pdf
its linux/ ubuntu
- 2016-04-19T00:51:48-07:00
- Forum: Developers
- Topic: converting doc or docx file to pdf
- Replies: 13
- Views: 30553
Re: converting doc or docx file to pdf
convert aaaaa.doc outputsss.pdf Should work fine if you have the correct delegate program and the delegates.xml file points to the location of that delegate. Do you have Soffice in your delegates.xml file and is it pointing to the correct location for that file. If not, the put the full path to ...
- 2016-04-18T22:39:51-07:00
- Forum: Developers
- Topic: converting doc or docx file to pdf
- Replies: 13
- Views: 30553
Re: converting doc or docx file to pdf
Please see my last post. All I am trying to do is convert a multipage doc to pdf file with convert aaaaa.doc outputsss.pdf Disregard all other content. The above command throws me error "soffice" --headless --convert-to pdf --outdir `dirname "aaaaa.doc"` "aaaaa.doc" 2> "/tmp/magick-13123jDqOlCXpGDh8 ...
- 2016-04-18T17:41:02-07:00
- Forum: Developers
- Topic: converting doc or docx file to pdf
- Replies: 13
- Views: 30553
Re: converting doc or docx file to pdf
Even simple converting doc shows the same error convert -verbose aaaaa.doc outputsss.pdf "soffice" --headless --convert-to pdf --outdir `dirname "aaaaa.doc"` "aaaaa.doc" 2> "/tmp/magick-13123jDqOlCXpGDh8"; mv "aaaaa.doc.pdf" "/tmp/magick-13123_Eb6RP3Vcg46" convert /home/suman/aaaaa.doc -> /home ...
- 2016-04-18T17:34:27-07:00
- Forum: Developers
- Topic: converting doc or docx file to pdf
- Replies: 13
- Views: 30553
Re: converting doc or docx file to pdf
The above code works well while converting pdf to watermarked pdf.
I am trying to convert doc file to watermarked pdf. And it gave that error. Why is it trying to find the apple.doc.pdf instead of converted apple.pdf?
The apple.pdf is actually created. Just gives the above mentioned error
I am trying to convert doc file to watermarked pdf. And it gave that error. Why is it trying to find the apple.doc.pdf instead of converted apple.pdf?
The apple.pdf is actually created. Just gives the above mentioned error
- 2016-04-18T07:11:01-07:00
- Forum: Developers
- Topic: converting doc or docx file to pdf
- Replies: 13
- Views: 30553
converting doc or docx file to pdf
Hello, I am trying to convert a doc file to pdf with imagemagick. The debug log shows that the doc file is successfully converted to pdf, but while moving it, it tries to find a doc that doesn't exists. Eg; convert -verbose apple.doc logo.png -gravity south -quality 100 -fill "rgba(180,180,180,0.80 ...
- 2016-04-17T23:56:55-07:00
- Forum: Developers
- Topic: Imagemagick - add a text and a picture as watermark to a pdf with opacity
- Replies: 1
- Views: 7172
Imagemagick - add a text and a picture as watermark to a pdf with opacity
I am trying to add water mark as follows. But the image is fully solid. Can I make it semi-transparent or have some opacity? The command is follows. convert file/location.pdf null: logo.png -gravity center -quality 100 -fill "rgba(180,180,180,0.80)" -pointsize 18 -weight bold -annotate +0+50 ...