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by pablobhz
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Creating a color palette from an specifc color
Replies: 2
Views: 85747

Re: Creating a color palette from an specifc color

Based on what i've read, this does exactly the job.
I'll supply a main color (RGB Values). Based on the amount of black or white on the destination pixel, it will change the range of this main color.

Do you know if MagickNEt has something equivalent of that ?
by pablobhz
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Creating a color palette from an specifc color
Replies: 2
Views: 85747

Creating a color palette from an specifc color

Hello Everyone. Is MagickNET able to create a color palette from an specific color ? Ex: I have the following color: 231,49,0 (RGB). I would like to create a color palette based on this color. And then replace pixels accordingly. Ex: If the pixel is 0,0,0 , replace with the main color (pixel is ...
by pablobhz
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: RAW Data length error (PixelStorageSettings issue)
Replies: 2
Views: 84055

Re: RAW Data length error (PixelStorageSettings issue)

So i can combine the four channels into a single image array and then read with the PixelStorageSettings ?
Nice ! I'll give it a try right now and i'll post here my results.
by pablobhz
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: RAW Data length error (PixelStorageSettings issue)
Replies: 2
Views: 84055

RAW Data length error (PixelStorageSettings issue)

Hello Everyone. I'm trying to create a new MagickIMage object from some raw CMYK Data. In order to do so, i'm creating some PixelStorageSettings (as i learned before somewhere else, i think on some MagickImage doc site). However, if i create the PixelStorageSettings with their original size, i get ...
by pablobhz
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Combining images with MagickNET seems to miss the black channel
Replies: 1
Views: 78321

Combining images with MagickNET seems to miss the black channel

Hello Everyone. I am having a strange issue when combining images with MagickNET. Once before i used the same code to combine 4 negative images (each one representating an channel, CMYK) into a final colored image. However, now it seems to be missing the black channel on the final result. I've ...
by pablobhz
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: MagickNET and raw CMYK data
Replies: 5
Views: 93332

Re: MagickNET and raw CMYK data

You can use the PixelStorageSettings class for that. You can find an example in this recent issue: Thank you. It worked flawlessly. But how can i extract each channel from this PixelStorageSettings ? I can't create individual objects from each array ...
by pablobhz
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: MagickNET and raw CMYK data
Replies: 5
Views: 93332

Re: MagickNET and raw CMYK data

Thats what i meant, sorry for the bad information.
No header, just pixels. Each pixel stored as an 8-Bit number.

I tried to read a byte array on this format and it didn't worked =(
Can MagickNet interpret it or only ImageMagick command-line version ?
by pablobhz
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: MagickNET and raw CMYK data
Replies: 5
Views: 93332

MagickNET and raw CMYK data

Does MagickNET offers support for reading RAW CMYK Image data ?
ex: I have raw binary for one channel (cyan). Is there a way for MagickNet or ImageMagick to read it ?

Thanks in advance
by pablobhz
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Weird image
Replies: 2
Views: 10322

Re: Weird image

In your "TIFF File with header added", a stepping is visible. That is, each line is similar to the next line but with an offset of about 50 pixels in the x direction. In a correct image, each line will be similar to the next but with no offset. So your assumption about the image width is wrong. In ...
by pablobhz
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Weird image
Replies: 2
Views: 10322

Weird image

Hello Everyone. I'm trying to create a TIFF file from binary data. However, i don't have the file header so i'm making it manually. I've always used MagickNET for doing so and never had problems - but for now i started to have some trouble. The images are not what i expect ; looks like something ...
by pablobhz
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Compose images
Replies: 1
Views: 9015

Re: Compose images

After analyzing the code calmly and think about things...i figured it out.

Code: Select all

FinalPreview.Composite(CurrentImage, Gravity.West, CompositeOperator.Overlay);
This does the job =) !
Thanks in advance for the awesome Library.
by pablobhz
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Compose images
Replies: 1
Views: 9015

Compose images

Hello Everyone. I'm trying to do some image composition here but i'm having some trouble. I've did this before but now it seems that i forgot what i did (shame on me). Well, lets go to the business. I'm tryng to place this imag (Image A) ...
by pablobhz
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Rotate Images in a Parallel For (ImageMagick.MagickResourceLimitErrorException)
Replies: 9
Views: 20099

Re: Rotate Images in a Parallel For (ImageMagick.MagickResourceLimitErrorException)

Even rotating in a regular for i had the issue (not doing in parallel).
I fixed my problem by rebuilding the project entirely on x64.

It takes 2GB ram basically to rotate all those heavy images.

Anyway thanks in advance !
by pablobhz
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Rotate Images in a Parallel For (ImageMagick.MagickResourceLimitErrorException)
Replies: 9
Views: 20099

Re: Rotate Images in a Parallel For (ImageMagick.MagickResourceLimitErrorException)

policy.xml sets limits that can't be overridden. So if those limits are too low, you can't get past them. I suggest you try: magick -debug all rose: NULL: 2>&1 |grep .xml This does nothing useful (it reads a built-in image and writes it to a bit-bucket) but the debug output will be something like ...
by pablobhz
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Rotate Images in a Parallel For (ImageMagick.MagickResourceLimitErrorException)
Replies: 9
Views: 20099

Re: Rotate Images in a Parallel For (ImageMagick.MagickResourceLimitErrorException)

Typically, in the same directory as binaries magick.exe etc, IM's installation directory. But the binaries may be in a "bin" directory, so the xmls are in ..\etc from there. Sorry but i couldn't find any policy.xml file. The only XML i found were related to instances description when you initialize ...