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by matt1008
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Really large images...
Replies: 2
Views: 11205

Really large images...

I have an image that is 24,000 x 48,000 that requires 4GB when opened in my C#/64 application. The image creation fails because C# has a 2GB object limit. I'm looking into a work-around solution. Possible running a command line app to break up the image into smaller chunks. Has anyone use ...
by matt1008
Forum: Developers
Topic: Resizing huge images failing
Replies: 11
Views: 16012

Re: Resizing huge images failing

I changed the script to D:\Temp folder and did my load and save from there. It got farther but eventually error-ed out with "unable to extend cache". The main difference between the two approaches is I'm not loading the highest resolution, I'm cycling thru them and loading a much smaller one. The ...
by matt1008
Forum: Developers
Topic: Resizing huge images failing
Replies: 11
Views: 16012

Re: Resizing huge images failing

I don't think so. My D drive has 400GB free and that's where I'm loading and saving. I took a look at LibTiff and was able to extract a smaller page from the 8 paged Tif. I wasn't sure what approach would work best, but it looks like I'll be using LibTiff for this solution. Thanks for all your help ...
by matt1008
Forum: Developers
Topic: Resizing huge images failing
Replies: 11
Views: 16012

Re: Resizing huge images failing

Looks like you were dead on with that tip. It's processing...I'll update when it's done. Thank you!

The "8" represents 4 channels at 2 bytes each? If I used Q8 it would take half the space?

It got farther but still ended up with a "unable to extend cache"
by matt1008
Forum: Developers
Topic: Resizing huge images failing
Replies: 11
Views: 16012

Re: Resizing huge images failing

I'm assuming memory. I have 28GB free on my C:\ drive. A little low but should be enough. Let me free up some space to see if that makes a difference.
by matt1008
Forum: Developers
Topic: Resizing huge images failing
Replies: 11
Views: 16012

Resizing huge images failing

Hi - I'm trying to reduce a tif image from 94095x54316 to 9410x5432 by using the -resize 10% option, but getting an "unable to extend cache" error: C:\Users\Matt>convert -monitor -limit memory 2GiB -limit map 4GiB -define registry:temporary-path=c:\temp Huge.tif -resize 10% Haircut.tif Error message ...