I ran the command on Linux with Version: ImageMagick 6.8.9-9 Q16. I can confirm I don't have the caption:pointsize output unfortunately. convert -size 1260x253 -background None -font /home/server/_resources/BebasNeue.otf -fill '#ffffff' -stroke black -strokewidth 6 caption:"Il faut p" -verbose info ...
Hi, I'm currently using the autofit capability of Imagemagick but I struggle on how I can retrieve the pointsize used by -caption. I want to know what is the size of the text used to autofit a defined area. I don't have any issue with label and can use the following command to retrieve the pointsize ...
So my understanding is:
- that behaviour is known and it's how fonts work
- kerning is relative and apply upon the gap set in the font between characters
IM version: ImageMagick 6.8.9-9 Q16 x86_64 2016-05-16 Debian 8.4 - x64 Issue I've recently tried to get the size of a given text in pixel but found myself puzzled by an inconsistency. The following script retrieves the sizes of each word passed as a variable and output a total size. text="Test de ...