I guess you got me wrong. The command I posted was an example of that pattern that works for me. I have no problems with fonts and I have no problems im- or exporting PNG files. Problems arise as soon as I replace -draw with caption: label: pango: etc. Even xc: instead of -fill results in an error ...
Hi Fred, I guess they install from source. The only files found in modules-Q16 are coders for jpeg and png. Delegates: bzlib djvu fftw fontconfig freetype jbig jng jpeg lcms lqr ltdl lzma openexr pangocairo png tiff wmf x xml zlib But I can't figure out which additional delegates would be necessary ...
The basic operations are working. As I wrote it is possible to use the -draw funtion.
No, I didn't built it myself, it's part of the minidvblinux which is, the name says it all, supposed to be small.
Can you tell me which build options should be used to have the needed functions working?
Hi, thank's for your quick response. How about: convert rose: x.png Does nothing. Have to press ctrl-c. What does "convert -list format" show. Does it include "LABEL"? convert -list format Format Module Mode Description ...
Hi all, I'm trying to add 4 text lines to a given graphic file. Everything works fine as long as I use the -draw "text .." operator. But as the length of the fourth line is unknown the word wrap or auto size funktion of e.g. a "caption:" would be great to use. All examples from the ImageMagick ...