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by aharper
Forum: Developers
Topic: librsvg ERROR "Unrecognized image file format"
Replies: 0
Views: 15542

librsvg ERROR "Unrecognized image file format"

I'm using librsvg to process SVG messages and render the images. In short almost everything is working good except for one single element. <image x="2mm" y="10mm" width="25mm" height="55mm" xlink:href=";logStream ...
by aharper
Forum: Developers
Topic: Does librsvg support the <image> element?
Replies: 4
Views: 14220

Re: Does librsvg support the <image> element?

I'm desperately trying to find the librsvg maintainers. Imagemagick is the closest website I've come to that seems to have any decent content about librsvg. I guess I will search elswhere.

by aharper
Forum: Developers
Topic: Does librsvg support the <image> element?
Replies: 4
Views: 14220

Does librsvg support the <image> element?

We have a product that dates back to 2005 or earlier that uses librsvg. It seems that whatever version of librsvg we currently use does not support the "image" element. See sample of image element form a real SVG message below. Should librsvg support this capability, and if so in what version. The ...