Search found 4 matches

by metal0077
Forum: Users
Topic: Trying to get the best result with imagemagic and tesseract OCR, image recognition
Replies: 4
Views: 19797

Re: Trying to get the best result with imagemagic and tesseract OCR, image recognition

Your problem is really with your input quality. You should never use JPG since it is a lossy compression. You need to have scans at higher resolutions/density to get better quality results. Also I suspect the main issue is that your characters are rotated and I think OCR does not like rotated ...
by metal0077
Forum: Users
Topic: Trying to get the best result with imagemagic and tesseract OCR, image recognition
Replies: 4
Views: 19797

Trying to get the best result with imagemagic and tesseract OCR, image recognition

Hello I'm trying to use OCR tesseract to recognize some letters in a image. I did a convert using imagemagick and image seems to be good but its not enough to recognize The original images: http://i.imgur ...
by metal0077
Forum: Users
Topic: [Help Wanted] Fill outside of the circle
Replies: 3
Views: 3360

Re: [Help Wanted] Fill outside of the circle

What is your IM version and platform? Please always provide that, since syntax differs. Try the following: convert input.jpg -fuzz 50% -fill black -opaque black -bordercolor white -border 2 -fill black -draw "color 0,0 floodfill" -alpha off -negate result.png @fmw42 Thanks for the response! The ...
by metal0077
Forum: Users
Topic: [Help Wanted] Fill outside of the circle
Replies: 3
Views: 3360

[Help Wanted] Fill outside of the circle

Hi Guys I want to fill outside of the circle, leaving letters in the middle, and the rest one solid color

The ideal is letters Black and the rest white, its possible?

The image:
