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by gimpeme
Forum: Users
Topic: outputting pixel RGB values to CSV file
Replies: 7
Views: 6463

Re: outputting pixel RGB values to CSV file

@fmw42: I understand some of those words haha. My knowledge of this kind of code is relatively limited. I tried running that code you listed both in the cmd prompt and in a batch file, but neither worked. I got an error that "tr" is not recognized as an internal or external command. I can't find any ...
by gimpeme
Forum: Users
Topic: outputting pixel RGB values to CSV file
Replies: 7
Views: 6463

outputting pixel RGB values to CSV file

What I'm trying to accomplish: I have a 10MP image and I want to identify all of the pixels it contains with RGB values larger than 50 (i.e. either R>50 or G>50 or B>50). How I've though of going about it is to first identify RGB values for all of the pixels and then go through with a tool like ...
by gimpeme
Forum: Users
Topic: Hard time combining level and dissolve commands into one.
Replies: 13
Views: 11965

Re: Hard time combining level and dissolve commands into one.

YES! This is now working perfectly. Thank you so much for the help! Especially to snibgo and GeeMack... you guys pretty much solved it all. For anybody who needs similar functionality from ImageMagick, here is the final .bat script: @echo off if %1 LSS %2 ( set imgA=%1 set imgB=%2 set output=%~n2 ...
by gimpeme
Forum: Users
Topic: Hard time combining level and dissolve commands into one.
Replies: 13
Views: 11965

Re: Hard time combining level and dissolve commands into one.

Works perfectly! One very last question though! Here is what I have in my BAT file: @echo off if %1 LSS %2 ( set imgA=%1 set imgB=%2 ) else ( set imgA=%2 set imgB=%1 ) convert %imgA% ( %imgB% -alpha set -level 0,3840 -channel A -evaluate multiply 0.80 +channel ) -composite %~n2_overlay.jpg exit My ...
by gimpeme
Forum: Users
Topic: Hard time combining level and dissolve commands into one.
Replies: 13
Views: 11965

Re: Hard time combining level and dissolve commands into one.

The argument to "-insert" will swap the order of the images only if necessary to make sure the darker one comes second in the stack. The FX expression in the "-level" operation will level the second image to "0,15%" while not affecting the first image. The "-compose" settings and "-composite ...
by gimpeme
Forum: Users
Topic: Hard time combining level and dissolve commands into one.
Replies: 13
Views: 11965

Re: Hard time combining level and dissolve commands into one.

GeeMack wrote: 2017-08-12T17:43:55-07:00 You can compare the brightness of a pair of images within an IM command, and adjust the order of the stack based on the result. With IM7 it would be a piece of cake.
How would you do this with IM7?
by gimpeme
Forum: Users
Topic: Hard time combining level and dissolve commands into one.
Replies: 13
Views: 11965

Re: Hard time combining level and dissolve commands into one.

Thanks fmw42 and GeeMack, I'll give those a try. ... on Windows 7 ... as a file I can just drag and drop ... You want to drag-and-drop two files to one BAT script, which treats them differently. The programming is easy: they are %1 and %2. (Don't forget to double the % signs.) But dragging two files ...
by gimpeme
Forum: Users
Topic: Hard time combining level and dissolve commands into one.
Replies: 13
Views: 11965

Hard time combining level and dissolve commands into one.

I have two images, IMG_0001.jpg and IMG_0002.jpg. I'm on ImageMagick 7.0.6 Q16 64-bit on Windows 7. I want to take IMG_0002, adjust its white point to 15, set its transparency to 80%, stack it on top of IMG_0001, and output that, which I've figured out via: convert IMG_0002.jpg -level 0%,5% step1 ...