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by pbul2004
Forum: Users
Topic: Images still blurry after optimisation output
Replies: 1
Views: 1531

Images still blurry after optimisation output

Hi there, I am finding that the output images are still pretty blurry. I have attached the before and afters below: - Picture 1: Before: After: - Picture 2: Before: https://www ...
by pbul2004
Forum: Users
Topic: Bulk convert lots of images from one folder to another Shell Script loop
Replies: 13
Views: 7515

Re: Bulk convert lots of images from one folder to another Shell Script loop

@fmw42 thanks. just wanted to ask, is there a way to resize by a % based ration or something rather than specifying an exact size? Also what does -interlace do and -sampling-factor 4:2:0 not sure if these settings are right or what they actually do, any advice would be great, as id like to ...
by pbul2004
Forum: Users
Topic: Bulk convert lots of images from one folder to another Shell Script loop
Replies: 13
Views: 7515

Re: Bulk convert lots of images from one folder to another Shell Script loop

snibgo wrote: 2018-02-14T13:22:19-07:00 It makes your images linear, which is a really bad idea for the web. (In very old versions of IM, many years ago, it had the reverse effect).
Should i totally remove this, or change it to sRGB?
by pbul2004
Forum: Users
Topic: Bulk convert lots of images from one folder to another Shell Script loop
Replies: 13
Views: 7515

Re: Bulk convert lots of images from one folder to another Shell Script loop

I am using Version: ImageMagick 7.0.7-22 Q16 x86_64 2018-02-01 The colorspace RGB was something i found from an example, was never too sure if i actually needed or what it did. Again, same with "-sampling-factor" or "-interlace". < Not sure if i even need these or what they do! They just got ...
by pbul2004
Forum: Users
Topic: Bulk convert lots of images from one folder to another Shell Script loop
Replies: 13
Views: 7515

Re: Bulk convert lots of images from one folder to another Shell Script loop

yeah got it, thanks for the help guys! All up and running. Do i have the best settings for optimal compression and quality? Should i be using "sRGB" instead? Also the -sampling-factor 4:2:0, is that all ok? Finally can you resize based on a % ratio rather than an exact size, like: -resize "700x466!"
by pbul2004
Forum: Users
Topic: Bulk convert lots of images from one folder to another Shell Script loop
Replies: 13
Views: 7515

Re: Bulk convert lots of images from one folder to another Shell Script loop

Ah ok. Is it possible for the two folders to be seperate and not within input:

/test/ (shellscript)
by pbul2004
Forum: Users
Topic: Bulk convert lots of images from one folder to another Shell Script loop
Replies: 13
Views: 7515

Re: Bulk convert lots of images from one folder to another Shell Script loop

Hi, thanks for the reply I keep getting the following message: convert: unable to open image 'output/IMG_1297.JPG': No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/3335. I have altered the code to match my directory setup: #!/bin/bash cd input list=$(ls *.JPG) for img in $list; do inname=$(convert ...
by pbul2004
Forum: Users
Topic: Bulk convert lots of images from one folder to another Shell Script loop
Replies: 13
Views: 7515

Bulk convert lots of images from one folder to another Shell Script loop

Hi, I have been having issues with the page speed of my site, and after a lot of research i am hoping Image Magick will sort it out. I want to bulk convert lots of images in one folder then export all the images into an output folder folder. Is this possible with a shell script? ie: Loop through all ...