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by ZootZims
Forum: Fred's Scripts
Topic: scripts library load error (macOS)
Replies: 10
Views: 327846

Re: scripts library load error (macOS)

I just tried to test the script using command logo.png logo2.png
It was a binary installation.

Tried port installation on different system and the script works properly, the MacPort Version is 6.9...

Different script stops with same error
by ZootZims
Forum: Fred's Scripts
Topic: scripts library load error (macOS)
Replies: 10
Views: 327846

scripts library load error (macOS)

Hi, i read a lot of other threads about a similar subject, but I can't get a script to work. The installation of ImageMagick works. Convert works without problems. But when using a script, for example polar I get the error message dyld: Library not loaded: /ImageMagick-7.0.8/lib/libMagickCore-7 ...