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by photoboothnwb
Forum: Users
Topic: Batch Convert & Montage Jpeg Files
Replies: 11
Views: 7144

Re: Batch Convert & Montage Jpeg Files

I have a follow up request to this it possible to add another layer to this convert script so that each .jpg file gives an increasing sequential number (in the form of a text/font, not a manually generated .jpg/png file overlay) starting from #1-999 and overlay it to the top left corner ...
by photoboothnwb
Forum: Users
Topic: Batch Convert & Montage Jpeg Files
Replies: 11
Views: 7144

Re: Batch Convert & Montage Jpeg Files

that works! thank you very much guys!
by photoboothnwb
Forum: Users
Topic: Batch Convert & Montage Jpeg Files
Replies: 11
Views: 7144

Re: Batch Convert & Montage Jpeg Files

I'm getting the following error when I run the script: convert-im6.q16: unable to open image `)(': No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2701. convert-im6.q16: no decode delegate for this image format `' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/504. Here's the code that I put in the .sh script ...
by photoboothnwb
Forum: Users
Topic: Batch Convert & Montage Jpeg Files
Replies: 11
Views: 7144

Re: Batch Convert & Montage Jpeg Files

Post your 3 images and the text you want. Note that you can use montage for this. But you can also use +- smush, which is like append, but allows offsets. You may have to resize the images you want. Smush or montage the two smaller ones top and bottom, then smash or montage that result with the ...
by photoboothnwb
Forum: Users
Topic: Batch Convert & Montage Jpeg Files
Replies: 11
Views: 7144

Re: Batch Convert & Montage Jpeg Files

Sorry, Version: ImageMagick 6.9.7-4 Q16 arm 20170114 running on Raspberry Pi 3b

Can you maybe provide a template for me to start, and how I would go about in montaging one 1x2 with another picture (of bigger size), and then converting a water mark on top? I've been at it for hours to no avail :(
by photoboothnwb
Forum: Users
Topic: Batch Convert & Montage Jpeg Files
Replies: 11
Views: 7144

Batch Convert & Montage Jpeg Files

I was previously able to convert a watermark onto an image, but I was wondering if someone could guide me to create a script that would: 1. From a folder, containing total of 3 images in .jpg, montage any 2 images together in -tile 0x2, reducing the dimensions so that the height would be 4" 2 ...
by photoboothnwb
Forum: Users
Topic: Help with batch watermarking jpg after photobooth
Replies: 24
Views: 10061

Re: Help with batch watermarking jpg after photobooth

Omg it works!!! I opened up the same file using sudo nano, edited the \, crtl-X and saved it, and it ran successfully, converting all imgs in IN to OUT. Thank you!! My goal is to ultimately and immediately convert any .jpg images sent from Photobooth to IN to be watermarked. Any ideas ...
by photoboothnwb
Forum: Users
Topic: Help with batch watermarking jpg after photobooth
Replies: 24
Views: 10061

Re: Help with batch watermarking jpg after photobooth

Executing it in Terminal works! I have an image w/ watermark in the OUT folder. pi@raspnode:~ $ cd pi@raspnode:~ $ cd Desktop/IN pi@raspnode:~/Desktop/IN $ for img in *jpg *.png; do > inname=`convert "$img" -format "%t" info:` > convert \ > \( $img \ > -set option:filter:filter Lanczos \ > -set ...
by photoboothnwb
Forum: Users
Topic: Help with batch watermarking jpg after photobooth
Replies: 24
Views: 10061

Re: Help with batch watermarking jpg after photobooth

I'm still trying to get it to work sadly :(.... I created 3 folders like you said: in, out, watermark I created an file w/ script (in the "in" folder, omitting the cd desktop) Do I change img to the actual file name? or is img just any .jpg in the "in" folder... #!/bin/bash for img in ...
by photoboothnwb
Forum: Users
Topic: Help with batch watermarking jpg after photobooth
Replies: 24
Views: 10061

Re: Help with batch watermarking jpg after photobooth (overlay frame 720x480) (source images 720x480) (resulting ...
by photoboothnwb
Forum: Users
Topic: Help with batch watermarking jpg after photobooth
Replies: 24
Views: 10061

Re: Help with batch watermarking jpg after photobooth

ok let me compile the images together and upload to show you want I want to achieve.
by photoboothnwb
Forum: Users
Topic: Help with batch watermarking jpg after photobooth
Replies: 24
Views: 10061

Re: Help with batch watermarking jpg after photobooth

The source image is 1920 x 1080p, and the overlay image is 600x423. Yes, all my photos will be outputted to PHOTOBOOTH PICTURES folder located on pi desktop.
by photoboothnwb
Forum: Users
Topic: Help with batch watermarking jpg after photobooth
Replies: 24
Views: 10061

Re: Help with batch watermarking jpg after photobooth

sorry, I am really new to this: pi@raspnode:~/Desktop/PHOTOBOOTH PICTURES $ convert photobooth00002.jpg borders.png -geometry 600423 -compose over -composite resultimage.jpg convert-im6.q16: width or height exceeds limit `photobooth00002.jpg' @ error/cache.c/OpenPixelCache/3802. convert-im6.q16 ...
by photoboothnwb
Forum: Users
Topic: Help with batch watermarking jpg after photobooth
Replies: 24
Views: 10061

Re: Help with batch watermarking jpg after photobooth

convert photobooth00001.jpg borders.png -500 +500+400 -compose over -composite resultimage.jpg
by photoboothnwb
Forum: Users
Topic: Help with batch watermarking jpg after photobooth
Replies: 24
Views: 10061

Re: Help with batch watermarking jpg after photobooth

Yes, that command worked and generated a logo over the original image. Could you please help me create a shell script that automatically batch all images that are generated in a folder (outputted by this photobooth program, so that it can be sent to ...