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by ikelso82
Forum: Bugs
Topic: unable to convert large PSB files
Replies: 13
Views: 20367

Re: unable to convert large PSB files

Yeah, I don't doubt that I ran out of memory. If I remove the limits the OOM killer in linux will kill the convert/imagemagick PID. I would expect that IM would utilize the temp disk space location if it can't get a handle to more memory from the system. Perhaps that's an incorrect assumption though ...
by ikelso82
Forum: Bugs
Topic: unable to convert large PSB files
Replies: 13
Views: 20367

Re: unable to convert large PSB files

Using just magick does not work. magick -debug all -limit memory 2GiB -limit map 2GiB -define registry:temporary-path=/imagemagicktmp psb:test.psb test-S.JPG 2019-04-09T14:46:17+00:00 28:58.450 165.560u 7.0.8 Cache magick[1352]: cache.c/WritePixelCachePixels/5811/Cache test.psb[0][10181x1+0+14680 ...
by ikelso82
Forum: Bugs
Topic: unable to convert large PSB files
Replies: 13
Views: 20367

Re: unable to convert large PSB files

Thanks for all the feedback on the syntax. It has certainly helped me to get to where I understood a couple of the previous errors I was getting. I'm still having issues with a large file being converted without causing resourcing issues. The command I'm using is convert -debug all -limit memory ...
by ikelso82
Forum: Bugs
Topic: unable to convert large PSB files
Replies: 13
Views: 20367

Re: unable to convert large PSB files

Sorry if I sound confused, is TIFF the same as PSB? identify psb:3layer.psb shows: psb:3layer.psb=>3layer.psb[0] PSB 9900x14400 9900x14400+0+0 8-bit sRGB 975.791MiB 0.600u 0:00.601 psb:3layer.psb=>3layer.psb[1] PSB 9900x14400 9900x14400+0+0 8-bit sRGB 0.000u 0:00.001 psb:3layer.psb=>3layer.psb[2 ...
by ikelso82
Forum: Bugs
Topic: unable to convert large PSB files
Replies: 13
Views: 20367

unable to convert large PSB files

Environments tested within: OSX 10.14.3 --- Version: ImageMagick 7.0.8-37 Q16 x86_64 2019-04-03 Docker Container running "FROM jboss/wildfly:9.0.2.Final" that has imagemagick installed --- Version: ImageMagick 7.0.8-34 Q16 x86_64 2019-03-18 Commands used: convert psb:/3layer.psb -limit memory $x ...