I am new to this forum and new to ImageMagick, so bear with me

Last night I tried to setup ImageMagick as an external tool for DiffMerge (http://www.sourcegear.com/diffmerge/) so that when I do a diff on image files in a version control system, I will see what has changed.
I successfully installed imageMagick and am able to run compare command from the terminal
Code: Select all
compare -verbose ~/path/image_latest.png ~/path/image_local.png ~/path/compare.png
Code: Select all
do shell script "/opt/local/bin/compare " & "~/path/image_latest.png " & "~/path/image_local.png " & "~/path/compare.png" & ";exit 0"
Pathname to external Tool:
Commandline arguments for external tool:
"%LEFT_PATH%" "%RIGHT_PATH%" ~/Desktop/compare.png
I tried switching to an image editor tool and it opens with the images, any idea why ImageMagick does not play.
Any pointers on how to debug this. I tried something like
Code: Select all
compare -verbose ... > ~/Desktop/imcompare.txt
Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance