for job i need to write some lines on an white image. But i've some limit and rules to follow.
I want to obtain this:

start from this script:
(last IM version, Windows XP)
Code: Select all
convert starting_white_template.tif -font AmplitudeComp-Regular -weight 700 -pointsize 200 -draw "gravity north fill black text 0,300 'OIL' " corpo.tif
convert corpo.tif -font AmplitudeComp-Regular -weight 700 -pointsize 200 -draw "gravity north fill black text 0,500 'FOUND' " corpo.tif
convert corpo.tif -font AmplitudeComp-Regular -weight 700 -pointsize 200 -draw "gravity north fill black text 0,700 'IN CENTRAL PARKING BLA BLA' " corpo.tif
- center text in my start template
- fit all text horizontally when is too long (eg: 'IN CENTRAL PARKING BLA BLA')
- better syntax as see in doc for switch 'label:' and pass my text in this way :
Code: Select all
Thank you for your attention and help,