Hi All,
When I'm trying to convert TIFF-CMYK to TIFF-GRAY, the output image is distorted.
Command used:
convert -alpha off -strip -colorspace GRAY Original_CMYK.tif CMYK_TO_GRAY.tif
Below are the links for both input Image and output Image.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/002duowjsq7ga ... l_CMYK.tif
https://www.dropbox.com/s/jr4oqfde6k1qo ... O_GRAY.tif
ImageMagick Version:
ImageMagick 6.8.7-4 2013-10-26 Q16
Identify -verbose Original_CMYK.tif:
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tiff:document: D:\12242013\Input\dec19mano2_CMYK.tif
tiff:endian: lsb
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Version: ImageMagick 6.8.7-4 2013-10-26 Q16 http://www.imagemagick.org
Please suggest what is cause and how to resolve.
TIFF-CMYK to TIFF-GRAY is distorted
- Posts: 12159
- Joined: 2010-01-23T23:01:33-07:00
- Authentication code: 1151
- Location: England, UK
Re: TIFF-CMYK to TIFF-GRAY is distorted
Try it with the commands in the correct order: read an image, process it, save it.
Code: Select all
convert Original_CMYK.tif -alpha off -strip -colorspace GRAY CMYK_TO_GRAY.tif
snibgo's IM pages: im.snibgo.com
Re: TIFF-CMYK to TIFF-GRAY is distorted
Hi snibgo,
I tried with changing order of commands as you suggested, but still the output image is distorted.
Please suggest.
Thanks for reply.
I tried with changing order of commands as you suggested, but still the output image is distorted.
Please suggest.
Thanks for reply.
- Posts: 12159
- Joined: 2010-01-23T23:01:33-07:00
- Authentication code: 1151
- Location: England, UK
Re: TIFF-CMYK to TIFF-GRAY is distorted
On v6.8.8-0 and v6.8.7-0, on Windows 8.1, this works fine for me. It isn't "negative". Is that what you mean by "distorted"?
Code: Select all
convert Original_CMYK.tif -alpha off -colorspace gray x.tif
snibgo's IM pages: im.snibgo.com
Re: TIFF-CMYK to TIFF-GRAY is distorted
Previously I have uploaded some part of my tiff image. Please look into the below link for complete file.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/gtx0s1ew72nn1 ... F_CMYK.tif
Please try for this Tiff file
https://www.dropbox.com/s/gtx0s1ew72nn1 ... F_CMYK.tif
Please try for this Tiff file
- Posts: 12159
- Joined: 2010-01-23T23:01:33-07:00
- Authentication code: 1151
- Location: England, UK
Re: TIFF-CMYK to TIFF-GRAY is distorted
There is something funny about that file. IM thinks it is CMYK, but it isn't really. The pixels seem to be encoded as sRGB. This changes the metadata, and converts to gray:
Code: Select all
convert 5_1_TIF_CMYK.tif -set colorspace sRGB -colorspace Gray x.tif
snibgo's IM pages: im.snibgo.com