I fail to use the import program.
I use [installdir]\import -screen -window root xxz.png
Sometimes I omit -screen, sometimes -window root, sometimes both. On every case, all of the instructions appear on the command line, and no image is saved anywhere. Am I doing something wrong?
Simple import usage
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Re: Simple import usage
Is there an error message, before or after it lists the options? Something like:
If you get that message, and aren't running X11, that's the problem.
Code: Select all
import.exe: DelegateLibrarySupportNotBuiltIn `' (X11) @ error/import.c/ImportImageCommand/1299.
snibgo's IM pages: im.snibgo.com
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Re: Simple import usage
You got it right once again. What...is X11? Where do I get it?
There seems to be an article in Wikipedia...so its a...GUI protocol? I'm getting quite confused.
There seems to be an article in Wikipedia...so its a...GUI protocol? I'm getting quite confused.