Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
If you have a command that takes an image and puts it into a database, then you could put that into delegates.xml. However, I don't see how you could specify which database, or how you would specify the key to the record you want to insert or update.
I think you may be able to do it with PHP as an intermediary. It can execute IM commands and also talk to SQL. But you still may have to create a physical file on disk.
that's what I am actually doing. I am calling convert from php. But since this is a server app with lots of io load it would be nice if I could save my script from generating those tmp files
Ask you question on the developers forum and see if the IM developers can help.
But IM still will create tmp files to hold intermediate results from any complex command line. The only possible thing you might be able to save is the result, if the developers know of a way to write it directly to your database rather than the disk and subsequently copy it to database.
You cannot connect to a database, currently, from the command line. However, from a program you can call ImageToBlob() or ImagesToBlob() and write the blob to the database. These are MagickCore method. However, there are analogs in other languages such as Magick++, PerlMagick, etc.