Converting Log DPX to sRGB

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Re: Converting Log DPX to sRGB

Post by snibgo »

timurhai wrote:Why we convertiong Log DPX to sRGB JPEG by "-set colorspace Log" and Linear EXR to sRGB JPEG by "-colorspace sRGB" (logically it should be "-set colorspace RGB" ?

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-set colorspace Log -colorspace sRGB
... does two things. First, it declares the pixel values are log. This overrides anything IM might have read in the file metadata. Second, it converts the pixel values from log to sRGB and also changes the metadata.

If the input file contains a metadata flag saying "log", then you don't need the first. If your output format can only be sRGB then you don't need the second because IM will automatically convert for you.

Jpeg can also store CMYK data, so I would always include "-colorspace sRGB".
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Re: Converting Log DPX to sRGB

Post by timurhai »

Hello everyone!
I integrated 6.8.8-8 in our pipeline and already checked for some time. Works fine with Log DPXs and Linear EXRs!
Just want to thank you again!

i've got you logic and now agree with it:
- always specify colorspace for an output image
- specify colorspace for an input image if you want to override metadata settings

now i have some other problem with some EXRs :)
Timur Hairulin
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