HELP: "convert" created animated gifs flicker horribly

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HELP: "convert" created animated gifs flicker horribly

Post by RafaelEspericueta »

I have a directory full of numbered png files, all the same size. The convert command did create an animated gif:

Code: Select all

 convert *.png output.gif
However, it flickers horribly. It seems to be jumping back to the first image of the sequence and flashing it briefly all through the animation. I want the animation to simply show each image in succession. One would think that would be the default! Is there any way to eliminate this horrible flickering?
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Re: HELP: "convert" created animated gifs flicker horribly

Post by glennrp »

Are they numbered in the right order? If you didn't use leading zeros, they will be played in
order 1.png, 10.png, 11.png, ... 19.png, 2.png 20.png, 21.png, etc.
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Re: HELP: "convert" created animated gifs flicker horribly

Post by RafaelEspericueta »

I see! That was the problem. THANKS!! :-)
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