Apostrophe not working with ImageMagick

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Apostrophe not working with ImageMagick

Post by ericjamie22407 »

I have a php page with a form where a user can enter text for a list. These fields insert into a MySQL database using the mysqli_real_escape_string method. I've checked the database and it shows up correctly as: "eric's test" so I know it is inserted into the DB with the apostrophe.

Then I do a SELECT statement and pull the data (in a loop to build a list of text) and use label: to create an image.

start loop code....
$bullettitle .= $row_bullets_element['bullettitle']."\n"; <---- I added the \n to cause line breaks for a list effect.
end loop code....

The below only works if the $bullettitle doesn't have an apostrophe such as the string: eric's test
exec("convert -interline-spacing {$previewbulletsfontspacing} -background none -size {$previewbulletswidth}x -fill '{$fontcolorbullets}' -font Arial -pointsize {$previewbulletsfontsize} label:'{$bullettitle}' {$previewbulletsfilenamepath}");

I've tried backslashing like this: eric\'s test but it doesn't even render. How does this work? I've tried this for several days and no test comes thru. Thank you.
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Re: Apostrophe not working with ImageMagick

Post by Bonzo »

Out of interest in this case you only need the { and } in your code for -size {$previewbulletswidth}x

What does $bullettitle contain if you echo it out; does eric's test display as it should?

The first thing I would try is changing label:'{$bullettitle}' to label:\"$bullettitle\"

I also write my code like this so you can echo $cmd out to confirm what you are using

Code: Select all

$cmd = " -size {$previewbulletswidth}x xc:none -interline-spacing $previewbulletsfontspacing -fill $fontcolorbullets -font Arial -pointsize $previewbulletsfontsize label:\"$bullettitle\" $previewbulletsfilenamepath";
// echo $cmd.'<br>';
exec("convert $cmd" );
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Re: Apostrophe not working with ImageMagick

Post by ericjamie22407 »

Your advice here fixed it!!:
"The first thing I would try is changing label:'{$bullettitle}' to label:\"$bullettitle\""

I can't begin to tell you how many days I've tried to debug this before giving up and posting. Any advice or suggestions as to why this fixed it? Simply adding double quotes and removing the curly braces?

I am so thankful for your help - I may just hit my deadline afterall. My family thanks you as well!
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Re: Apostrophe not working with ImageMagick

Post by Bonzo »

I do not think removing the curly brackets had any effect and I assume the ' in eric's was closing the first ' so you had eric. But it is strange you did not have an error as you would then have had a stray ' in your command.
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Re: Apostrophe not working with ImageMagick

Post by snibgo »

The OP says it didn't work when the label contained an apostrophe (ie a single-quote). I expect Bonzo is correct, that the quote inside the string was closing the open-quote. At the command line, escaping the embedded quote would work, eg (in Windows, which uses double-quotes):

Code: Select all

convert -size 100x100 label:"Eric\"s test" t.png
PHP has an extra layer of translation, so perhaps the escape character was being removed too early. Perhaps doubling the escape would work?
snibgo's IM pages: im.snibgo.com
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