We have a script that runs to update the splash screen on a Java Application at build time using the following command ...
Code: Select all
convert -font dejavu-sans-book -draw "text 123,75 'Version: 6.2.0'" -draw "text 125,90 'Build 594'" +matte splash.svg splash.bmp
If I take the output of ImageMagick and open it in say MSPaint/PSP, make a change, save it then undo the change and re-save it the image works fine in Launch4J.
Comparing the "identify -verbose" outputs of the two images the only difference I can see is after the save in MSPaint there is an extra attribute in the output ..
"Gamma: 0.454545"
Not sure if I can attach files on the forum but once I've opened this topic I will attempt to upload a broken and a working one.
**EDIT** I have uploaded a ZIP with two .bmp's and a .txt for each with the output from Identify.- https://mega.co.nz/#!2dtjQaRD!Fyt-IAWgk ... rlPjngpv58
Any help in getting this working again would be greatly appreciated. I need to get it working direct from ImageMagick again so we can automate the build process. Currently I have to manually edit the image and build a new .exe with Launch4J. I'm also going to post on the Launch4J forum in case they know of a work around.