PSD to PNG convert, color change

Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
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Re: PSD to PNG convert, color change

Post by snibgo »

UncleEricB wrote:I'm not using Photoshop ... Colors look different.
What software are you using to view the images? Are both images sRGB? Do they have profiles? If they do, then does the viewing software recognise the profiles?
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Re: PSD to PNG convert, color change

Post by UncleEricB »

UncleEricB wrote:
snibgo wrote:Windows shouldn't need different profiles. Are you using the same version of PS? With all the same settings?
I'm using the same PSD file. I'm not using Photoshop as part of my script. The (python) script generates a call out to ImageMagick. I tarred up my folder from my Mac and copied it over to my Windows box. Same files, same script, same profiles. Colors look different.
I am an idiot. Moving from OS X to Windows and I didn't change \ to /. It wasn't seeing the profiles. Coffee is still kicking in today.
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