How can I Liquid Rescale just a part of an image?

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How can I Liquid Rescale just a part of an image?

Post by fengruzhuo »

My request : I want to Liquid Rescale just a part of an image.
The param "-liquid-rescale" seems it only applies to the whole image.

Can anyone tell me any other solutions?
Thanks for any hint :)
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Re: How can I Liquid Rescale just a part of an image?

Post by Bonzo »

There was talk of improving the Liquid rescale but I do not think it happened as the developers are very busy.

Maybe a bit of lateral thinking; crop the part of the image you want to rescale and then composite or append it back onto the original?
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Re: How can I Liquid Rescale just a part of an image?

Post by fmw42 »

Can anyone tell me any other solutions?
Thanks for any hint
Have you tried -region?

Alternately, crop the section you want, process with liquid-rescale and then composite the result back. Or create a mask for the region you want, use liquid rescale on the whole image, then use the mask to composite between the original and rescaled result.
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Re: How can I Liquid Rescale just a part of an image?

Post by fengruzhuo »

Bonzo wrote:There was talk of improving the Liquid rescale but I do not think it happened as the developers are very busy.

Maybe a bit of lateral thinking; crop the part of the image you want to rescale and then composite or append it back onto the original?

Yes, I've tried this, but the effect is not good.
Sometimes there will be a gap on the image after compositing.
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