Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
I have thousands of closed curve images which need to be filled with black color. I want to perform this with dos batch scripting.
Can anyone here please guide for same?
Sample (yes i know not required) is attached here for ready reference.
I have a similar problem too where I need to fill in closed boundaries / contours present in an image but in locations NOT known in advance so the trouble with my problem is that I cannot specify the point xy coordinates. Perhaps there's a way to derive them? The trouble is that there may be multiple contours so I need a means to distinguish each individually.
jxramos wrote:I have a similar problem too where I need to fill in closed boundaries / contours present in an image but in locations NOT known in advance so the trouble with my problem is that I cannot specify the point xy coordinates. Perhaps there's a way to derive them? The trouble is that there may be multiple contours so I need a means to distinguish each individually.
I do not know if we can help. But you really need to provide examples of input and output and always provide your version of IM and platform.