Compositing applies color profile to the entire final image

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Compositing applies color profile to the entire final image

Post by zeeg »

Say I have two images, where one of them contains a color profile, and I run something like the following:

Code: Select all

composite -gravity center in1.jpg in2.jpg out.jpg

This has the effect of applying that color profile to the entire output image, which can sometimes drastically affect the colors of the second image. In the final image, is there any way to preserve the profile's effect on its own image, but not have it effect the other? If not, are there any workarounds or alternatives I could look into?
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Re: Compositing applies color profile to the entire final im

Post by snibgo »

I strongly suggest you convert both images into the same colorspace before the composition. For example, using the "convert" command:

Code: Select all

convert in1.jpg in2.jpg -profile sRGB.icc -gravity Center -composite out.jpg
With more work, you could convert the image without a profile into the same colorspace as the one with the profile.
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