I'm trying to crop a series of PNG images; I scanned them on Ubuntu using Simple Scan. I've always used command-line IM to crop images in half, but this time, when using it like this:
Code: Select all
convert "$file_name.png" -crop '50x100%' +repage "$new_file_name.png"
Am I doing something wrong that with all the other files worked just because I was lucky? Is there something wrong with my scans? In the latter case, is there something I can do to crop them without having to redo them?
I've been looking around, but I didn't find anything useful; if it's a known problem and I wasn't able to search in a decent way, any pointer would be great.
EDIT: I was forgetting about it, here's my version id:
Code: Select all
Version: ImageMagick 6.7.7-10 2014-03-06 Q16