Command convert -crop

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Command convert -crop

Post by x64joxer »

Hi All!

I have quesstion about convert -crop commanf fe.

Code: Select all

convert -crop +100+100-100-100 base.jpg test.jpg
In this instance (for jpg format), it is a lossless operation?
What about other formats?
I am asking because I need crop images before printing and I do not want to lose quality.

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Re: Command convert -crop

Post by Bonzo »

I would say it is lossy; I assume the input format can not be changed but can you change the output to a png for printing?
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Re: Command convert -crop

Post by x64joxer »

Hi Bonzo
Bonzo wrote:I would say it is lossy; I assume the input format can not be changed but can you change the output to a png for printing?
I can not change the output to a png because I must send jpg format to photographic studio. Most of photographic studios accepts files only in jpg.
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